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RE: Debate Forum - Week 9 - Legitimacy of Government

in #ungrip7 years ago

Good question. What I intended to convey with that statement was that our expectations are that of such. Not that people believe the state to behave in that manner, but they desire it to. And that's what's driving a lot of the political discussion. People go to the grocery stores and feel safe buying anything there, not because they trust the corporations and farmers, but because they trust the USDA and FDA to be the good mother and be sure her children can only eat what is best and safe for them. While I do believe that all should have access to healthcare, we expect the government to behave like a good mother and care for us when we are sick. We expect our government to protect us from hurtful words, people, and ideas like our mother would censor the world for her young children.

An antidotal example of this is the Tide Pods fiasco, where Chuck Schumer is now calling for a ban on colorful packaging of the Tide Pods because they look "candy." This is assuming a matriarchal role. I think "hillicopter mom" is a more appropriate analogy on how the government behaves in these manners.


Ahhhhh, yes. Okay. I see your point now. The good old nanny state. Thank you for the clarification.