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RE: How important is this physical realm to our spiritual growth?

in #ungrip7 years ago

Environment determines the conscious and I fully agree with your viewpoint. I have been a die hard fan for this self-defense sports but could never be able to take full training...something that I often times regret about.Dear @wwf,

Regarding technology, I want to share that I was in the countryside for Eid holidays and there was very slow internet connection. So, I was almost without internet there. So, I had to spend time with my family and that was great time. The best activity was having a bath in the rain while singing songs. Life seemed so beautiful and pure in those moments. Technology is not a bad thing but they way it's being used is helping companies earn billions at a price where people like you and me are getting enslaved and feel start feeling lifeless in its absence. It's a pity that even in these technologically most advanced times in the human history, humans are using technology to kill people. The countries that can do mass murder in a faster way are the termed as the most advanced countries. We've learnt nothing from our past.