Confronting technology addictions

in #ungrip6 years ago

If we don't evaluate the foundational structures in our lives, we are not going to comprehend the outcomes that we experience.  It will also be extremely difficult to see how we participate in our own enslavement or the violence we engage in against others and ourselves without that deep level of evaluation.  My recent post has generated some interesting comments and I felt moved to address those comments here as this discussion is extremely important and I don't want it getting lost.

I must first clarify some very important points that seems to cause much confusion.  If people would read chapter 6 of my book, that would be a good start.  But for those who have yet to read my book, lets be very clear: I AM a spiritual being.  I AM not human, but rather I have a human.  I AM not a person either but part of my human can be described as a person.  My relationship with this physical vessel is for me to work out and is a foundational part of why I'm here in this physical realm.  That physical vessel came from Mother Earth, is sustained by Mother Earth and will return to Mother Earth when I am finished on this part of my journey.  Therefor, my relationship with my vessel and Mother Earth must be acknowledge, reconciled, respected and honoured in all it's forms.  

Spirit is our common link while we all experience separation through our physical vessels.  My relationship with all of you must be grounded in the fact that I've found within myself the capacity to love my vessel, myself and that intimate relationship between spirit (the true essence of who I am) and my body.  Only then do I have the capacity to express that love outwards towards others like yourselves.  In that process I then find within myself a profound appreciation for Creator for making all of this possible to experience and learn.

@taskmaster4450 had some important questions that I want to address here.  He was responding to my statement about depending on technology to govern our societies and how we risk transhumanism and the formation of a single collective. He stated:

 I find this very interesting considering I have read much of your  writings.  Isn't this what you teach?  I never once got the impression  that you are a humanist yet you are certainly putting up the appearance  that you advocate it.  Spirit is transhumanism.  Hence, if that is  believed, then we are simply debating what is surpassing the biological  mess. 

To be very clear, I am no fan of transhumanism or the formation of a single collective here in this physical realm.  The claim that the biological is a "mess" is also false and by no means an accurate assessment of what I work hard to portray in my writings.  

Transhumanism (noun): the belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology. 

The use of the word transhumanism in this context is specifically directed towards the centralization and consolidation of technology to augment our physical and mental capabilities rather than explore the full functionality and capability that our bodies already have.  It also completely ignores the emotional and spiritual aspects of our current existence and it is the journey of embracing the physical, emotional, mental AND spiritual that is the core reason why we are all here to begin with.  By this definition, spirituality is not transhumanism by any stretch.  Spirituality transcends transhumanism in many regards.

When we end up being completely dependent upon technology, we weaken ourselves and detach ourselves from Mother Earth, Creator and the very purpose for why we are here.  Our bodies and minds end up going into atrophy rather than exercising and working on exploring our full potential.  We need good healthy relationships in order to do that work.

The whole point is that when our physical vessel surrenders to spirit, it allows spirit to engage fully and we can therefor utilize the full power, authority and magic of spirit in our lives.  However, when we surrender to technology, there is no opportunity to work on the relationship between spirit and the physical.  Dependency on technology is an addiction and another mask that puts a huge wedge between the physical and spiritual.  We end up rejecting or masking spirit as technology consumes us.  We are building a virtual reality all around us, blinding us to the realities of what exists here already.  How many people explore how to build direct one-on-one relationships with Mother Earth, plants, animals or even each other?  How many of us have no idea how to do that without the use of technology?  How many people fail to establish profound emotional intimacy with other spiritual beings that they share this planet with? 

I would bet that most people don't even comprehend what profound emotional intimacy actually is or feels like! 

Technology is a tool and if we are not careful, it gets in the way of the work we need to do in order to have those profound connections with others.  This may feel messy, ugly, painful and a huge struggle, but it is supposed to be!  It is the struggle that helps us build strength.  Gravity exists to help provide the resistance for our bodies to be physically strong.  All the other shit in our lives are there to provide the resistance so that we can be stronger emotionally, mentally and even spiritually.  This is not about evolving past the limits of our vessel, it is about pushing ourselves to fully explore the FULL capabilities of what the relationship between our vessel and spirit is actually capable of doing.  We function at a mere fraction of what our true capability already is.  I am of the firm belief that those capabilities will far exceed any of the technology we could ever produce.  

@taskmaster4450 also made this following statement:

Why do people insist on believing there is a separation between  humanity and "AI"?  This is a rhetorical question because the answer is  Hollywood.  Here we see the absurd promoted and people buy into it.  AI  and us are not separate, we are one.  We will see a merging.  AI will  not control us, it will be a part of us just like a pacemaker and  contact lenses are today.

People miss a simple point: computer science and biology will not be different disciplines in a decade.  They are one. 

This statement sent chills down my spine.  My dear friend, you and I see our journey here on Mother Earth very differently if you truly believe what you said here.  For me, Spirit must guide our lives, not intellect, not technology, not AI.  Pacemakers and contact lenses don't learn, grow and make decisions based on its environment.  

I've done thousands of hours of research to unravel the historical context where people have willfully surrendered their freedom to feudal lords, the state, corporations and all sorts of other fictions in exchange for benefits and privileges.  People willfully and ignorantly give away their spiritual power and authority to some third party and we are now confronted with people doing the same with technology.  All of those fictional constructs already control everyone and the entire world.  To think that AI and other advanced technologies will not continue the same trends that we have witnessed for several thousand years is naive.  

One of the statements he made that I agree with:

Humans, for the most part, lack connection to the planet, other humans,  and the species on this planet.  We also tend to not have a real connection to consciousness.  Hence we think our intellect is all there is. 

Using a manifestation of intellect is not going to compensate for our lack of connection to real consciousness.  I agree, our physical vessels do currently lack a connection on the planet, others and to all the other life forms on this planet.  That is not fixed with technology, but rather working hard to heal ourselves and invite spirit to help us all dive deeply into making those spiritual and emotional connections.  Life is about relationships!  Our human vessel needs our spiritual intelligence to make those types of connections.  It will not manifest through technology.  Technology is not our saviour.  Doing the spiritual work is what will save us from the human condition we find ourselves in today.  Technology is only a tool to help us share ideas and it absolutely sucks at providing the foundation for us to make those deep spiritually intimate connections with one another.  

When technology gets between us, then we end up spiritually detached and disconnected.  Our intellect loves this kind of stuff, but our heart and spirit are left to wander in great pain.  Only by connecting with one another face-to-face, spending time with one another, being vulnerable, doing the work and sharing can we start to build the spiritual connections that we are all searching for.  Only by pushing away the tech and putting our hands into the soil, getting our feet dirty, looking after the animals and really connecting with them all, will we find spiritual connection and the capacity to start exploring our super powers.  

This requires a profound spiritual evolutionary process and when we accomplish that, our vessel can then start to experience significant abilities that nobody thought possible.  @taskmaster4450 seems to agree with me on that point.

Humanity, in my view, is capable of super human thought.  These abilities are available but for some type of block.  Whether it is because of DNA manipulation, an altering of our code, or another species of beings that are thousands of years ahead of us is a topic for another debate.  However, it cannot be denied that levitation,  telepathic communication and a host of "super-natural" abilities exist on this planet to a select few.  Yet most of us miss it. 

While some may feel that we can gain those abilities through technology, I firmly believe it is already within us and it is only a matter of healing so that we can then open ourselves to properly govern the energies and powers already at our disposal.  That requires work, not technology.  That requires finding the balance and resonance between the physical body and spiritual body.  I've heard many stories from indigenous leaders that tell of time long ago where we could stand on a stone and transport us to anywhere we want.  We don't need technology when it is already within us.  Technology and other addictions keeps us from connecting to our full potential. 

 By the same token, we want to transpose human qualities on AI.  AI is  going to dominate and control us?  Why?  Why do people think there is  the need in AI to dominate?  Because humans want to dominate.  

To answer your question my dear friend, it is not because humans want to dominate, but because most humans want to be dominated by the small hand full of psychopaths that currently dominate this planet for their own power, wealth, control and greed.  The tools that the minions have created will be turned around and used by those psychopaths to continue the program that has been running for thousands of years.  Except now, they have the technology to do it where they don't need a bloated empire to maintain that control.  They now have the tech that can do the work that the farm animals have been doing all this time.  AI will dominate and control people because people will embrace it with open arms and continue the cycle of tyranny and slavery ... willingly and blindly.  

After all, it is just a tool.  Like a hammer, car, government or a corporation.  Except what we do with those tools is where the big questions should be asked.  I'm all for using AI, AFTER we free ourselves and move through a profound evolutionary shift in consciousness.  We are not there yet and as such, sleepy people will create dangerous technology.  The examples that most people share in support of AI are benign, but where technology really becomes a concern is when it is used to maintain the control, power and greed of the empire, hidden deeply in some corner somewhere.  

To be extremely blunt

Mankind is not ready for advanced technology and won't be until we resolve the underlying issues that we continue to struggle with.  Technology magnifies the trauma, pain, struggles and violence that we hide within ourselves.  Greed, power, violence, conquest, bigotry, hatred and all those other demons that we have yet to heal will only be magnified by our quest for technology.  Technology will not solve these problems and it is a huge mistake to think that it will.  Individual work and spiritual evolutionary processes is what is required in order to find healing and solutions to the problems that plague mankind at this moment.  That requires that we reconnect to Mother Earth and each other on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level ... without technology getting masking the process!!!

If people are angry, violent and on a quest for greed, wealth or power, I will guarantee you that the technology will be used to augment that intent.  We have seen it throughout history.  People will also surrender to technology because they are lazy and they don't want to do the work.  How many of us love technology?  How many are absolutely addicted to it?  How many people would die if they no longer had access to high tech?  How many people have no clue how to connect to Mother Earth as a result of their dependency on others and the technology to facilitate that dependency?

Mother Earth is crying out for us to re-join her.  That requires that we be naked and vulnerable.  

There is a primary and foundational reason why my wife and I moved off grid to live off the land.  Because we both see where this path is headed and despite our efforts to warn people, we see major issues and it is unfolding as we speak.  While some buy into the panacea that technology will usher in a wonderful future, I stand to warn people of the dangers of not doing the spiritual work first and make sure that technology serves us rather than we be servants to the technology.  Otherwise, you will find yourself serving the technology and your energy, authority and power being used against you and others for the whims of the global elite.  

I would gladly unplug the computers if it meant that people look up from their screens and start interacting with one another without masks in an authentic, healthy way.  We need less technology right now, not more.  The addiction is real and I'm deeply concerned about it.  Our Spiritual health is at risk otherwise.  


Thanks for sharing. Makes me feel like I need to read your book again. then again. So true, technology has amplified lots of pro's and cons' within myself. Good wakeup call for me to refocus.

While we have very different approaches, they are very similar in their destinations.

...I agree with pretty much everything you said regarding trans humanism.
The closer the relationship we have with technology, the further away from 'being human', we move.

There are many paths to the top of the mountain. I actually encourage people to find their own path! Bravo to you for your own approach. 7 billion people doing their own thing and the system has no choice but to collapse. Peace to you.