Decolonizing the mind Regarding Ownership

in #ungrip7 years ago

Ownership is a principle that has been around since the beginning of time.  It was particularly useful when kings and queens decided to engage in feudalism principles so that they can grow their empires along with their power, control and influence over the word.  This colonial idea spread across the world through the spread of the Roman & Egyptian Empires that continues today.

From a spiritual point of view, ownership must be put into question as the spiritual implications are profound.  Modern society demand that ownership be a core foundational principle as wealth is directly tied to ones ability to 'own' or 'control' vast amounts of resources.  The more an individual can own or control, the more wealthy and successful he or she is within that social structure.  The whole concept of corporations was for EXACTLY THIS PURPOSE!

That same principle also leads to poverty as this construct allows for the accumulation of wealth to fall into the hands of a few, making billions of others poor as they no longer have access or control over the resources that are around them.  Absentee land lords create renters as they control land that others could use but cannot because they don't have control or ownership.  The landlord and tenant relationship has been around for generations and key to the feudal principles that have govern societies for a thousand years or more.

But this issue goes even deeper.  This idea of ownership has also been driven into our personal relationship by the governments and religions of the world.  How many people feel, believe or act as if they own their spouses body?  How many surrender to the other when demands are put onto them?  How many of us realize that our bodies are made up entirely of nutrients that came from the ground, water and air?  Does that mean our bodies are land as it is impossible to separate the two?  If so, then ownership of land places our bodies within that relationship.  Ownership of land = ownership of bodies = slavery.  

I suggest that spiritual / natural laws are being violated when we claim ownership over the vessel of another spiritual being.  Ancient customs of the past used to demand that we give a sacrifice or gift to Creator and the plants, animals or water before we take it.  This gift is to ensure there is an equal exchange taking place.  This demonstrates honour, gratitude and keeps us humble as we are depending on other spiritual beings to surrender their vessel in order to feed, cloth or shelter our vessel.  

When we then form intimate relationships with other spiritual beings, that too demands that we honour and respect them rather than just demanding or taking what we believe to be ours.  Even thinking about taking, using or abusing the vessel of another spiritual being brings spiritual consequences into our lives.  Demanding answers from somebody else without first asking for permission or offering a gift of exchange is an example of the depth of these spiritual issues.  

How many of us demand answers from other without showing any honour or respect?  How many people offer a gift in exchange before even posing the question?  If we want freedom, it demands that we honour and respect the sovereignty of others.  We cannot make any demands from them without violating their sovereignty.  That includes Mother Earth!  Lusting or yearning over that which others steward over goes hand in hand with these spiritual principles.  

 That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. - Matthew 5:28

Accepting Christ level consciousness requires that we take a completely different approach to how we view ALL our relationships.  Ownership is a violent and abusive principle created by others so that they can control, own, rape and pillage.  We have bought into it for generations.  It creates extreme wealth, power, greed, convenience, poverty, war and suffering.  

However, if we change how we look at the world and recognize that we cannot actually own anything, life changes.  I don't own my body.  It has always belonged to Creator and Mother Earth.  All the nutrients came from the Earth and will return to the Earth.  It is merely a temple for me (spirit) to experience life here on this planet so that I may learn, grow and experience.  When the vessel dies I will leave this realm and I must leave everything behind except those memories that I cherished and experienced along the way.  

 The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me. - Lev 25:23

If I am really interested in loving my neighbour as myself, it demands that I contemplate my behaviour towards all life.  Everything here is already being governed by a spiritual being in one level or another.  Spirit demands that I get consent rather than just take.  Ownership is spiritual theft and violence!  It does not matter if it is the water falling from the sky, the leaves for my salad or the flesh of the animal on my plate.  My wife's body is not mine to do with as I please or to demand questions of my friends or travel where I please.  There are spiritual protocols that must be followed if we want to find peace and freedom within our lives here on this planet.  The spiritual protocols have been taught for thousands of years and I even struggle to figure out how to make the changes to meet up with them in an honourable way.  Spirit demands respect, honour, patience and love.  The protocols may seem like a lot of work and very inconvenient, but war and violence is not acceptable.  War and violence is decidedly very inconvenient!  Time for a shift.

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Great read @wwf. Nailed it with how the corporations now are using ownership to fatten their pockets. They want to keep control and ownership, it is in their best interests. And that's how they control the poor to slave for them. Sad sad state.

And thanks for quoting Lev 25:23, it's a great reminder for me. We are indeed strangers here. Might be beneficial to be a nomad...

Beautiful. We really should lay stake to nothing in this world, cause we came as nothing. Imagine a lot of problems that'll be solved by simply loving and respecting the next person

"I too believe that the gods are our guardians, and that we men are a chattel of theirs". We must not forget violence against ourselves, as it is no different than violence against others.