Embracing Spirit comes with some amazing gifts and challenges

in #ungrip6 years ago

It is challenging sharing stuff that some consider crazy, but I do it anyway.  I trust that when their spirit is ready, they will find their way here.  Today I want to write about my own personal experience regarding how I have expanded far beyond the physical limits of my physical vessel.  

For most of my life, I identified myself based on the criteria of my body.  Then I started to identify myself based on what other people told me who I was.  They even gave me little pieces of paper and plastic to help me identify myself when I was around them.  Those fictions were granted to me from some other authority, but I did not know any better.  I actually thought that they were me.  Once we start to explore who we are, this connection becomes more and more difficult to maintain.  Nearly 11 years ago I rejected it outright, gave that other authority their stuff back and started to explore who I REALLY am.

About 5 years ago I asked a very important question:

Am I a man searching for some sort of spiritual enlightenment or am I a spiritual being having a physical experience?

I wrote in my book 'Graduating Life with Honours' where I explored the answer to that question and the journey I took along the way.  In the end, I concluded that I am a spiritual being and it is up to me on what type of physical experience that I have.  Now that I see the world from the Spiritual point of view, I see the world very differently than most.  

I am also starting to explore the limits of my experience and found that my spirit is no longer remaining within the confines of my physical body.  I have grown beyond the physical limits of this meat suit and have stretched out to encompass the whole 72 acres that we steward as well.  My wife has joined me in that as she too has expanded beyond the limits of her vessel and reaches out over the same land.  

We dance together in an intimate spiritual relationship with each other and all the other spiritual beings that live here with us.  When we start to reach out with our spirit, we start to form connections and relationships that go far beyond the physical or even fictional realms.  These types of ideas may scare those who don't comprehend, believe or feel this connection, but I stand to testify to the journey we are on.  

Taking that leap of faith into the Spiritual Realm really does result in miracles, or at least that is how the muggles see it anyway.  Being able to fully embrace our spiritual powers is the next level of growth and awareness for us all.  I know this to be true.

My wife and I feel this land, its energy and the life forms that are here.  A dear friend shared with me a story where a small group of individuals found a way to embrace their spiritual energy and was able to walk in among a herd of deer bedded down for the night.  When their intellect kicked in and started freaking out about their situation, the deer suddenly saw them, got alarmed and panicked.  While nobody got hurt, it points to the power of spirit and how we can do things that most others think is impossible.  To them it would seem like magic.  I know this story to be true as I've had similar experiences lately.

I know of this spiritual zone she spoke about as I am often in that zone when I go for walks in the bush.  I experience close and intimate encounters with all kinds of wild life as a result.  When I go in with a specific purpose, my intellect fully engaged, the animals can see, hear and most likely 'feel' me coming.  That is why I don't see anybody when I'm in that zone. However, when I get into the full protection and energy of spirit, I blend in with them all and they are not alarmed.  It allows me to get within 60 feet of these large, beautiful animals without them being alarmed or sometimes without them even seeing me.  

Is it possible that our ancestors were able to find this spiritual zone and walk among the beasts with little worry about their safety?  Is it possible that we can end up disappearing around those who are stuck in the lower vibrations of their physical intellect or those completely lost in the fictional constructs?

Is it possible that the fictional constructs were created to prevent us from exploring and exercising our spiritual gifts?  

Creator sent us all here for a very specific reason.  It is up to each and every single one of us to explore our lives, gifts and abilities so that we can find that life purpose.  For me, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that my experience with depression, suicide attempts, addictions, recovery, reconciliation and even my own path towards sovereignty is all tied into my life purpose:  To teach people how to have peaceful, healthy relationships with themselves and by extension, others. 

Along that journey, I'm finding that my spiritual gifts are getting switched on, which gives me more flexibility in how I express myself along that journey.  It also requires that I acknowledge and respect the spiritual sovereignty of every other individual on this planet.  Suddenly my work takes on a whole deeper level.  While many may not 'see' it, their day to day activities result in spiritual assault on others.  Unless they are consciously aware of Spirit, they are not going to recognize their abusive behaviour.  

Is it possible that is why there is such a huge conflict between the governing powers and indigenous peoples?  Conflict between a group of people who want to put in pipe lines, mines, massive agricultural farms and other public works, up against those who see, feel and know of this spiritual connection that I speak about.  What role do we all play in the fictional constructs that give energy to these violent interactions?

Even when people come visit me, if they don't follow a Spiritual protocol, I feel violated, trespassed against and even raped.  Depending on their energy, depends on how much of my own spiritual shields I must put in place to protect myself from their chaotic energy.  Every wonder why empaths struggle so much in large groups of people?  Ever heard of stories of energy suckers attending large stadium events in order to siphon the energy of the crowd?

I have no idea where each of you are in your journey.  I know that I'm just beginning mine and that my wife is right along with me.  I know that the full and true essence of who I am is spiritual in nature, not physical.  I can see and feel the two distinct bodies of both and I'm able to start to differentiate between the two.  As I start to explore the true essence of who I AM and explore the spiritual power and influence I have in this physical world, I can start to appreciate and comprehend what some of the previous masters have said on this topic.  

 " ... the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do ..." - John 14:12

We don't need some external authority to govern us.  We require to be free from those external influences so that we have the space, peace and freedom to explore our own authority, power and influences.  Our own physical mind cannot comprehend the power, beauty and grace of spirit.  This is the domain of our heart as we cannot think our way through this, but instead feel our way through.  Our Spirit has the vision and capacity to hear far more than our eyes and ears.  This requires a leap of faith and quieting the chatter of our body as it struggles to comprehend spiritual magic.   

I look forward to exploring the full scope of spirit and all that can be accomplished in this physical realm.  Should be fun, exciting, challenging and deeply rewarding as well.  But with great power comes great responsibility and it demands that each of us know how to govern ourselves so that we don't violate others along this journey.  May Creator bless you all with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy, love and an amazing spiritual journey while you are here on Mother Earth. 


Good to see your in good spirits @wwf.

Firstly, I don't think anything you post is ever crazy, as I tend to pick up a few very valid lessons for my life from them.

Moreso, I doubt I'll ever attain your spiritual level, but it gives a clear point of direction for those that seek deeper insight

I used to tell my Tae Kwon Do students:

"If you don't think you can, then you are right. If you know you can, then you are right. Either way, you are always right".

What I believe about you is irrelevant, but I'm going to share it anyway. I believe you can attain this level of spiritual awareness AND MORE!!! <3 Peace to you @empress-eremmy. I'm glad to hear from you again.

Good my friend. I love gifts and giving them to my friends

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^.^ ~ Thanks