I must admit that this year has been our best year for gardens. The summer fallowing that we are doing has made gardening a dream. We are able to keep up with the weeds and the crops are grateful! We are now in the middle of July and expect only 30 days left before our first frost. However, we are confident that we will do great this year.
Zucchini. We will have more than what we can eat. Prosperity!
Cucumbers (foreground), onions, lettuce, corn, pumpkin & beans (background)
Squash (left), beats, carrots, beans, peas (right)
M precious potatoes (purples, reds, white & nuffie)
Lettuce and tomatoes. Planter in front of earthship. We dry most of our lettuce.
Peppers (foreground, cucumbers, lettuce, strawberries) In atrium of Earthship
Beans, carrots, cantaloupe, flowers (atrium)
Tomatoes are over 6 feet tall. Doing very nicely. We also have peas, onions and garlic in there too.
More lettuce and kale to dry for winter greens.
Kale, kale and more kale. mmmmmmmm
This does not include all the wild food we harvest either. I hope you enjoyed the tour. Looking forward to harvest in 30-60 days.
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Gardens looking good, where ya from? i garden for myself and to sell at farmers markets up here in saskatchewan canada. take a stop by my blog if you like.. i just did some posts about my garden aswell. In fall i rototill my leaves and compost bin into my garden i find it helps them take off crazy in the spring.
We are located on the edge of the Tawatinaw Valley just south of Athabasca, Treaty 6 territory, Turtle Island. Thanks for dropping by and checking out our garden. Peace to you.
Sweet a fellow canadian ontop of a gardener, even better then just meeting another gardener. ive been through there before, whats cool is that your town predates the railroad and was used all the way back to the fur trade as part of a route :)
To be clear, I'm not a 'Canadian'. Yes, we litterally live just a few hundred yards west of the old Athabasca Landing Trail. It was the trail that ran from Athabasca to Fort Edmonton. Athabasca was actually in the running to be the capital of 'Alberta' in the day. Lots of history here.
How arent you a canadian, if you live in canada. living in canada is the very basis, of being a canadian, what am i missing? lol
Canada is a fictional construct. A feudal empire that uses coercion and force to ensure compliance. A political tool used to control people, claim ownership over the land and suck the energy and resources from the land for the benefit of the few. It did all this through the genocide of the people who lived here prior to colonization and continues to engage in genocide to this very day. I cannot participate in that so I left, over 10 years ago. The land is not 'Canada'. I AM the land, as are you and everyone else. Fictional constructs don't exist except as ideas in our minds.
im gonna agree to disagree, Those who were here first, are well paid for "colonization" i wish i could hunt out of season, and get my smokes half price. etc but i dont. and those who lived here prior do. and as for the resources energy, like you said, for the benefit of a few, yet canada, has alot more then a few people in it, and people of every culture from around the world, we are by far one of the most diverse countrys on the planet, and im happy to say im apart of that. if you cant say your happy to be apart of it, why be in canada, on this land considered part of this fictional empire. why not move to a country you dont feel that way about? and your sort of hypocritical? you cite a passage from the bible in a recent post, yet christianity and religion in general. is one of the biggest control tools and tools of opression in history and more were killed in the crusades and other battles over christanity then that which were killed when canada was colonized... anyhow, have a good day.
Wow! It looks terrific. Abundance is the way of nature.
Hows yours doing? I've not been to your place since I tilled it for you. Share pictures please. <3
It is all looking good.
How long a growing season does tobacco need? I am surprised it grows in Canada.
I think tobacco needs about 6-8 weeks of frost free growing. We start the tobacco in the Earthship and then transplant it into the garden. We actually just put the rest of it in the garden today. The tobacco grows about 7 feet tall and we get lots of seeds too. We've done very well with it.
It looks great @wwf. We hardly garden in this part of the World, am challenged to start up something... I hope to show it to you before the month runs out... Am thinking watermelons
I would love to see what you grow. Each area of this planet is unique and it is up to each individual to learn how to accommodate those environmental conditions to make the vest of the land they steward. I would love to see what you did.
Beautiful!! So much good energy and love!! I miss my garden this year. Looking forward to seeing the harvest posts!! Trying to catch up on all your amazing blogs!!
Looking good in the garden.