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RE: Why are people depressed, anxious or suicidal?

in #ungrip7 years ago

For me, my recover involved confronting all the negative shit in my life ... all of it. Everything was on the table. Focusing on the negative allowed me to shine a light on it so that I could heal it. So I'm more than willing to shine a light on any negative stuff I find. That way I can heal and return to neutral position. I can then deal with the light and the dark, being able to move both ways without blockage or anxiety.

As for people who lived in the past, I'm sure almost every singe indiginous individual alive today on Turtle Island would say that they were better off hundreds of years ago compared to today. People who have experienced hundreds of years of genocide that continues to this very moment may disagree with you that people back then were happier than they are today.

What is the foundation for your assessment of 'we are getting better, and we might be living the best time for humanity'? Is it based on standard of living, technology, life style? For me, I see debt slavery, feudal serfs, greed and violence at every street corner, voting box and cash register. I see people so detached from spirit that they engage in violence very single day and justify it or even see it as being okay or normal.

I don't know any person who would prefer to live in the 1700s for example and not live right now in the 2000s.

Well, I am working hard to return to the land. Some would think that I'm returning to the 1700's with the way we live. What ever judgements people use, so be it. I don't care. I'm on a spiritual journey and it requires that I return to the land and work hard on many aspects of my relationships with myself, others, Creator and Mother Earth. In my view, the indigenous peoples of the 1700's were the closest to that, than any colonized region of this planet.

We won't be getting better until we end the violence and one of the first steps is to heal ourselves and decolonize in order to find peaceful relationships and self-governance.


What is the foundation for your assessment of 'we are getting better, and we might be living the best time for humanity'?

We have more knowledge and a better life than before. We have a higher understanding about our reality, our general knowledge is advancing constantly.

Even if it might be hard to realize, today we have less poverty than in the past and better health than in the past.

I would like to know what was the best time of humanity in your opinion? the indigenous peoples of the 1700's?

For me, it is clearly the present.

I see debt slavery, feudal serfs, greed and violence at every street corner

Was the past any different?

Some would think that I'm returning to the 1700's with the way we live

It is very funny to read that since we are having this conversation using technology that didn't exist until 2 years ago (Steem blockchain).