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RE: Where the Tawatinaw meets the mighty Athabasca River

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)

If you want to see the Tawatinaw valley, head north on highway #2 towards Athabasca. Turn right at Nestow, a small little hamlet. The old highway 2 is a gravel and sand road that heads north from Nestow and takes you to Tawatinaw, Rochester, Perryvale, Meanook, Collington and then into Athasbasca. This old highway runs the bottom of the valley and is beautiful! It all should still be frozen in March, so you don't have to worry about spring run off issues in the valley!

Thank you for all the work that you are doing too! It is important to bring awareness to addictions. All addictions!


Fantastic! Supporting each other support our pacha mama