You are very fortunate. I don't have an elder to study, so I ask lots of questions and search everywhere I can. I really lean on spirit to guide me through that process too. I yearn that one day I will be approached by an apprentice to learn from me. We really need to reconnect our elders to the youth to facilitate the knowledge transfer, especially through song and ceremony!
I did have an elder visit me a few years ago. I gave him gifts so that I can ask questions. He informed me that I'm on the right path and he liked what I was doing. It is the same elder that gave me my spirit name during ceremony as well.
Oh the journey 💖 No doubt you're on the right path!! Kudos 🙌 Spirit is your guide. Everyone's really. But, i do get it. And, deeply appreciate the physical contact i have with the lineage I have joined with. That too was Spirit. It's a good story! Haha .... You just can't make this stuff up!! Blessings friend🦅