My next post will be in regards to steps we can take in that eventuality. I still believe that all currencies will be usurped at some point, even gold and silver. One cannot eat gold, bitcoin or even steem. But those tools will help with the transition. In the end though, knowledge of Mother Earth will be required as she will provide for all our needs when that time comes. This will require a multi-step strategy to work through the coming times.
While my mind struggles with the complexity of what you shared, my gut tells me that you are right and that bitcoin and many other crypto's will fall under the control and ownership of the elite. We must be diligent in our efforts.
@anonymint has mentioned that bitcoin will eventually be useless for buying anything in the physical world due to capital controls. Once they seize the means of production (Amazon is already well underway in this model), then bitcoin could be used for services, but no tangible delivery.
His blog lays out theological implications as well for how this is likely to play out.
PS from @anonymint: