I agree. The Amish will do well when the system crashes because that have little or no dependency on it at all. Something I've been advocating for over 10 years myself. It is a hard sell to convince people, but it is starting to get easier and easier as things in the fictional world start to deteriorate and the violence escalates.
70 acres is a lot of land, more than enough to support a family. Bravo to you. I hope you recognize the value of what you have there. :) <3 Peace to you and thank you for writing and participating.
I do, but I foresee a possibility of being run off this property if I can't keep up with the taxes should my father pass. My dad gets special exemption because he's on the enhanced star program that reduces taxes for seniors. I started collecting my pension about 2 years ago but won't qualify for the enhanced star program until I'm 65. We farm a small percentage of this property and the rest is wild. We can our own vegetables and also chop our own wood.
The fence around this property has been encroached on a bit by the neighbors according to my father. Because he's only part heir (without the will) he can only claim 6 years back taxes if he lets the property go for taxes. He's mentioned wanting to leave here for years because he feels trapped. It's not my say what happens here. For all I know, our days are numbered anyway so I just take it one day at a time.
I pray that my work will provide a remedy for you one day. I'm working on that very issue. I pray a solution that I can support presents itself to me soon.
I refuse to do this process because it depends on the feudal courts. But it might appeal to you. I share as my spirit moved me to share. Do with it as you wish.
You are 100% responsible and accountable for your own actions or inaction.
Here's a pic from 1940:
That's my aunt June (my fathers older sister) on the left and one of the North sisters on the right (cousins). Dad was a child back then.
As the house appeared a couple of years back. The deed dates to March 7, 1863. My family name is Manwaring and the road is named after us because my ancestors have been farming this area for over 2 centuries.
Thanks for your suggestions!
Just know that I've not tested that process. So I have no idea if it works or not. Do your research. Wonderful pictures. I love them. Thank you for sharing.
The deed is just paper though, is it not? I know it can help in disputes, but I think the deal we have with governments in the west is about to change drastically. I could end up with title, even to a government or allodial title without government only to have nobody recognize the paper it is written on.
Technically, since my father had 6 brothers and one sister and all but one had several children, they are all heirs to this property as well. But nobody has contested the situation in our family. Many are now out of state. Settling it in the standard way of becoming a legally recognized serf is probably pointless.
The land is there, the deer aren't charged rent either. So it's simply a matter of existing and surviving. It really doesn't matter to me what the papers say except that one day they could see me kicked out if some arbitrary authority decrees it so. My father unfortunately said he "always wanted a place of his own". I said that "You're here what more do you want?", but he's caught up in state logic.
I agree with what you wrote. It is just a piece of paper and I too feel the relationships are going to change drastically as well. It is only a tool to help with current situations, but you are the best to judge what you need. Your thought process sounds reasonable to me.