What would I do?

in #ungrip7 years ago

I get lots of people asking me for advice or feedback.  I also see lots of debate on line about what is unfolding in our world.  So what would I do?  

source: GotCredit.com

Children in danger due to violent parent(s)

If I knew of children or spouse being abused, I would take action and intervene.  I was visiting some friends of mine and he went off the deep end before I even got there.  He was yelling, screaming, hitting, kicking doors, walls and being extremely abusive and violent.  This man is over 6 feet tall and over 200 lbs.  His size alone is intimidating let alone his strength and power.  I literally stepped between him and his wife and kids.  The situation was deescalated and I convinced her to leave him.  However, I refused to leave until the situation was safe for her and the kids.  She left in two days and she took her 8 kids with her.  They are now officially divorced and the kids are much happier and feel safer than ever before.

The challenge is that the state recommends that people call the police.  I will leave that up to you as the police are a violent and coercive force themselves.  Yes, I risked bodily harm or even death doing what I did.  However, it is my choice on what risks I am prepared to take with my life.  Sacrificing my life to save others is, in my opinion, an honourable thing to do.  Bullies get away with their behaviours because people don't stand up to them and confront their violence.  This bully backed down because I stood up to him.  The fact that he knew I was a black belt most likely helped me a great deal as well.

When we lost our community, we turned to the state.  However, when we rebuild our communities, we don't need the state.  They destroyed our communities so that they can be the police man in our relationships.  I disagree with that and work hard to rebuild community instead.  Freedom requires full participation in life, no matter how scary or intimidating it may be.  If we see a wrong, it is our duty and responsibility to do something about it.

Children in danger due to mass murderers shooting schools

There is a huge debate going on regarding gun control, mental illness, arming teachers and other solutions to protect the children attending these government, centralized institutions.  However, personal accountability and responsibility dictates that if my child was in danger, he / she would not be there!  I would be holding them back and home schooling them instead.  This is not about trying to control other people and using the coercive power of the state to make it happen.  But some how people love doing exactly that!  The type of control they are attempting is impossible and then people get frustrated because nothing changes or nothing seems to work.

This issue is about us surrendering our duties and responsibilities of being a parent and handing it all over to the state, which the powers that be want to happen!  As long as people are debating how far to use the coercive power of the state, they miss the root issue:  should the state have that authority and power to begin with?

When my two boys were in school, the institution was crushing their spirit.  They did not want to attend, to the point where they would cry as we pushed them out the door.  We found their enthusiasm for life diminish significantly.  There was no way we could let that continue.  We pulled them out and home schooled them instead.  They were happier and grateful for the change.  Educating children is the duty and responsibility of the parent and the community they participate in, NOT the state!

There are terrorists around every corner, we need to protect ourselves

Lots of propaganda flying around about Muslims, Islam, 'radicalized individuals' and others are all identified as the 'enemy' by your friendly neighbourhood state representative.  In fact, the newest terrorist is people in general as they have now blamed man kind for the destruction of the biosphere so now there is a war on against each and every single one of us.  Most people are turning to the state to enact legislation, pose immigration bans and do all sorts of actions to 'protect' them from the 'bad guy'.

Terrorism:  1.  Government by intimidation; the system of the 'Terror'.  A. A policy intended to strike with terror those against whom it is adopted; the fact of terrorizing or condition of being terrorized.

May I suggest that the state is, in fact, the organization that has been radicalized and from what I can see, it has gone completely insane.  What I did is recognize the violence and coercion behind the state and state sponsored organizations.  Rather than submitting to their insanity, I walked away from it and confront or rebuke it with every opportunity I can find.  The pen is indeed mightier than the sword, so I engage in my own campaign to bring awareness, honour, integrity, peace and freedom to a life that has none.  

The real issue is individuals who engage in violence, coercion, greed and all those other destructive behaviours.  Rather than grouping people into classes based on color, language, politics, economics, religion or any other identifiable form, how about we focus on behaviour instead!  Starting with my own and working out from there!

Canada pushing to convert reserves to municipalities

The state reasoning is to convert the reserve to a municipality which would then allow for fee-simple tenures to be setup.  That would then allow for mortgages, property taxes, 'ownership' and wealth acquisition.  What they don't say is that the state will end up with more control, more tax revenue and their buddies in the banks will end up with ownership!

I've been pushing my friends to break ties with the state, not get into bed deeper.  I've done everything I could find to remove myself from their grip so that I could at least honour the peace and prosperity intent between our two peoples.  Being stewards of the land is our duty and if we surrender it to the state, we are nothing but slaves. 

There are huge percentages of indigenous peoples supporting this state sponsored campaign.  They have been hoodwinked by the state and succumb to greed as they are bought off to sell out their peoples.   This is not a white vs red issue. This is a colonialism vs everyone left standing.  This is slavery vs freedom, scarcity vs prosperity, war vs peace.  The lines that we draw cannot be made based on color, race, creed, religions, etc.  

I chose to stand on the side of being a steward advocating for peaceful, prosperity, joy, freedom and love.  I will discriminate heavily in my duties as a steward of this land.  

Facebook scandal, breach of public trust by selling data

Facebook is in deep shit right now because of their greed and participating in data collection on billions of people.  This is no surprise to me and one of the reasons why I left the platform 6 months ago.  On top of the data collection on users, the censorship that is taking place is Orwellian in nature an could easily be compared to the censorship found during World War II on both sides!

By using open source, distributed social media platforms like Steemit, I can now reach people without being concerned about state and corporate level censorship, greed and contempt.  What we see going on through Facebook is a symptom of a much larger problem.  People's willingness to surrender to centralized authorities rather than taking responsibility for themselves and their data.  What is going on in Facebook goes on else where and has been for years.  

Did you know that when you fill in your change of address card for the post office so that you can get your mail redirected to your new 'residence', Canada Post sells that data to corporations?  I used to have non-profits as IT clients and we would send the database to Canada Post to have all the addresses updated so that the non-profit could find you should you move.  You are an asset and it is a huge business selling your data to others!  People just love making money off of others.  Those documents in your wallet and purse is exactly what they use to collect data.  Ever wonder how corporations can pay you to use their loyalty cards?  Because they make huge profits from all that data.

I got ride of them all.  My data foot print is very small compared to most other people.  I am not very profitable for them any more.  I took my power back.  That is what I do!  


Another very educational post...Thank you for sharing this.

Personal responsibility is not something that is touted these days. Society promotes the idea of victimization. This starts with our political leaders who spend their times going off on who is at fault. Of course, when we embrace the victimization, then we need someone to step in and "fix" if for us. Isn't that was we see to a degree on here. Some calling for Big Brother @ned to step in and solve this.

Fortunately, there is a new wave that is hitting people and they are waking up, even if slowly. This Facebook thing really caught the attention of millions. I do not know what will come of it, but a massive amount of people feel like they were just hit over the head with a bat. That is how fierce their awakening is..at least in regards to this subject.

I agree @taskmaster4450. Sadly, that bat will turn into something much bigger before people really start to comprehend just how dependent they are on the state and how well they fill that 'victim' roll. Living a life where I have nobody to blame buy myself is a real sobering thought to take. As long as people are lashing out at others, we will not find peace and the state will be more than happy to step in and govern.

However, when we take personal responsibility for our lives, all that changes. The solution is rather simple, but very difficult to manifest as it is so easy to slip into those old ways. I've lost count how many people who study my work to walk a path of peace have slipped right back into blaming others, engaging in war and other activities. They blame others and attack them, resorting to dehumanizing behaviours to justify the attack. It saddens me greatly. But I will keep doing what I do in the hopes that I can influence others that there is a way through all of this violence, blame and victimization. Thank you my dear friend for echoing those same thoughts!

I've lost count how many people who study my work to walk a path of peace have slipped right back into blaming others, engaging in war and other activities. They blame others and attack them, resorting to dehumanizing behaviours to justify the attack. It saddens me greatly.

Yes I noticed that. It is as if the conversations and efforts put in feel totally on deaf ears. "Forgive them for they know not what they do".

We see this all the time (I am guilty of it too so I am not judging them). This path requires diligent and consistent attention. It is real easy to lapse back into the victim mindset and allow fear to enter. As new energy hits, the ones with the "light" (insert your own word) will be leading the way. As they reach the higher energies, the message they carry will sink in.

The unnaturalness of the system we are in is going to crumble. It is destined to. We are here to experience, that is what the human form is for...as we move towards the new era, we are going to see those stuck in the controlling, low energy areas start to feel it.

Suffering is not all bad..it is often what is required to get someone to move.

The type of control they are attempting is impossible and then people get frustrated because nothing changes or nothing seems to work.

I see examples of this every day here. People are frustrated because things never change. The state here won't allow it. I don't think people realize to what extent their data is being used. I was at a social function last night where I was having a discussion with a lawyer and a few other professionals. The topic came up about how much their government watches everyone. Every time someone uses a credit or debit card, they are followed. Their internet use is monitored especially in offices of large businesses. If you travel they know where you went and how long you stayed. This opened a few people's eyes. And thet wonder why I am such a privacy hound.

As I read through this post I highlighted sentences and paragraphs that just hit the nail on the head. I was going to quote them here to discuss, but I would have just ended up quoting the whole post, pretty much.

I think many of us have lost sight of being responsible and are too busy trying to find entitlement. It's easy to feel helpless and even easier to ask someone else (the all powerful state in this case) to protect us. Thinking for ourselves is hard, standing up for ourselves and others is scary.

Good reading just learned something new.

Great read once again - People need to wake up and step away from the state in all it's forms. Digitisation of all assets and demise of the banks in the near future, will only increase the servitude and slavery of the people to the state. You set a great example to the fact that with hard work and sound principles, it can be achieved. Stay free and stay safe. :)

.... " This is not a white vs red issue. This is a colonialism vs everyone left standing. This is slavery vs freedom, scarcity vs prosperity, war vs peace. The lines that we draw cannot be made based on color, race, creed, religions, etc. "

My heart truly feels this. I was thinking about these types of things morning . How timely.
Can people be engaged in "society" and be of healthy mind. If you are immersed in toxicity, how long before you turn toxic?
So many systems in play to destroy healthy family and community.
When CPS was here, i asked the police, "why can't people just come to me if there is a problem, instead of hiding behind an anonymous phone call?"
His response, "we prefer people to not take things into their own hands, they just don't need to do that anymore"
I applaud you for this post!

I totally agreed with your statement

"When we lost our community, we turned to the state. However, when we rebuild our communities, we don't need the state"

And yes the way this world translate terrorism is totally wrong. Terrorism doesn't have anything to do with our religion but the things we do in the name of the religion is something to blame on and for an escape plan we always throw all the blames to the religion. I am a Muslim and never heard or read in our books that to harm someone is right in any way possible not physically, psychologically or emotionally.
The way you expressed all these things couldn't be more true and rightful. Thanks to you for always guiding us, stay blessed!!!

Freedom requires full participation in life, no matter how scary or intimidating it may be

Now this is the building pillar for all forms of action taking against molestation and terrorism. Because when the terrorised or molested refuse to make calculated attempt in other to avert or combat the terror or oppressor then there is nothing anyone can do

Greetings @wwf. Good to see you are out changing the world again. Contemplating all you have said in the post. Blessings.

Thank you. Spring is here, so I'm finding it more and more difficult to get back here to participate at the level I did through the winter. Today is a blizzard day so now I have time. lol I wrote a comment on your post that spawned me to write this one. I hope it helps. As always, I write my own thoughts and opinions. It is up to you to make up your own mind and walk your own path. I applaud you for stepping up to help that young man. I hope he is doing well. Peace to you.

Yes. Actually he is doing well. He works for my son now in his construction business. "Leland" has a depth of anger I've rarely seen in another, but so far has managed it. We were just talking about it the other night. That is one thing that concerns me... but its something we talk about. Thats a step in the right direction. Good to see you got a day off. Figured you were out tilling soil or something. It's ironic but "Lelands" mother has a grandson now that she may actually ask me to raise. She just does not have a clue. So now my count is my 5 kids of my own and 4 foster sons. I'd have never thought that one of the most important things I'd do in my life is be a parent. My son employs three of the foster sons. Kind of cool really.

Too much crazy things happening in the world. I wish we Humans could unite for a peaceful world.

Not going to happen until we find peace within first. Self-governance, self-sustainability, self-reliance, self-love, self-control, self-peace, etc are all necessary for world peace.

You are right...Everythink in the world depend on us 😊

It's all within. A turmoil! By being at peace with ourselves, we experience calm and begin seeing and calling out the good in others.

interesting post once again thanks for sharing your knowledge :)
really great

I always advise my students to protect themselves, raping cases are increasing here day by day

Love your suggestions and feedback for the better.

You are helping alot of people with problems brought on by the state.
I want to help you with something that has been a great deal of help to me in combating the state.

He uses a tactic they used to stop him in court to stop them in court.
I have used this method to force a draw in my own case, i agreed to sign to misdemeanors and walk out free, no time and no fines, after having been charged with felonies.
If i had known when the case started what i knew when the case ended, i think i could have had the whole thing tossed out. @marcstevens, http://marcstevens.net has been effectively fighting the state for more than 20 years.

That said, i spent many hours in the skype chat polishing my ability to ask the needed questions, you may not have alot of time to devote to this, but if you take the time it will be well spent, imo.

Thanks for helping folks, we cant be free alone.

@freebornangel, thank you for the offer of help. I'm okay, doing fine and safe. I've been working to free myself from the state for over 13 years and my whole blog is about that journey. I've written books and been featured in a well known documentary as well. I've been helping people for years, although my approach is very different than the way most other people do it. Thank you for the suggestion. If people don't resonate with my work, perhaps they can look up his work instead.

Peace to you.

Marc's method is for folks that have been forced into court, you are more a holistic approach to not going there in the first place.
If you let folks go into court without the questions to stop the procedings, you do them a disservice, imo.
Its about protecting the people that one comes into contact with.
If they have to go to court they are going to lose if they dont know what to ask of the court.
This isnt fmotl, it isnt pay a lawyer to help you lose, it is an effective method to stand your ground in court.
I just figure you come into contact with far more people needing this knowledge than i do.
I hoped you would be interested in spreading effective knowledge and not defensive about turf, but that doesnt seem to be the case.
A peaceful day to you.

Perhaps I should reiterate my last sentence:

If people don't resonate with my work, perhaps they can look up his work instead.

Your claim that I'm being defensive about turf is unfounded, unfair and a covert violent attempt to elicit guilt and shame. I started the Virtue Circle to bring peace to social media and I will not tolerate violence on my blog, whether it be covert or overt. I ask that you check in with yourself to see why you would resort to such behaviour yet wish me a peaceful day.

I will reiterate again in case you did not hear it the first or second time.

If people don't resonate with my work, perhaps they can check out his website.

With that said, do so at your own risk. As I've been sharing for years, take 100% responsibility and accountability for your life. Do your own research. Make up your own mind.

@freebornangel, I ask that you govern yourself peacefully. I forgive you.