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RE: Correcting the Misconceptions of Peace

in #ungrip6 years ago

....and so the plot thickens. It seems (I know you'll find this hard to believe would happen by social media ---said sarcastically) there are actually other instigators in this situation and the teenage boys were really just made to look bad. This has a lot more of the event.


Jill, I looked into the links. What I see is three or more groups of people. One group is preaching about how the US is a harlot, bashing homosexuals, etc. Spouting all kinds of vial and hate upon which the youth were reacting towards. I saw the elder moving between them all, singing his song and beating his drum. I saw a tense situation being diffused, despite one of the indigenous men arguing with some of the students. If anything, those guys preaching are the ones that were inciting the kids.

Some of the kids were so naive that you could hear them asking 'What is going on?' on the film. Without realizing it, the kids jumping and singing to the song of the elder could also be construed as mocking him as they have little idea about his culture or the meaning of his song. I would have stood to listen, not join in.

How many of us remember when we were teens in high school? A group of kids like that can easily be manipulated by the energy or situation around them. For the school to bring youth into an environment like that is not wise or responsible.

This does not change my post, the spirit of my post or my outlook on the situation. The elder was being peaceful and confronting poor behaviour that he witnessed within the public space, whether the youth were responsible for it or not.

I totally agree. That's what i see too. Absolutely, it does not change the spirit of what you're sharing in my view either.

This particular event has brought to light for me a precious teaching. What is true, is that we can only know what is before us. We can only know of what happens in our own real life experience. To a large degree, anything through the filter of internet/ social media is but entertainment and can be construed in so many ways. I was sceptical at first seeing that contrary addition of video your friend shared but curiosity stirred and i checked it out and came to similar conclusions you shared. When i shared my alternative views boy oh boy did the hate flare towards me. I doubt ppl even took time to read or investigate what i shared. Water off a ducks back. I will not give it anymore time or attention! LOL the day calls. Real life beckons. I deeply appreciate that you took the time to share your perspectives. Love & Blessings dear friend! And, healing prayers your way. Such a treasure to connect today ❤☀️🙏🎶

I believe context is very important here, to my understanding, these kids where on a school feld trip when the elder walked up to them, with his own group of people in my view for intimidation, the elder proceeded to walk up to the kids playing his drum and chanting, he walked up directly to one of the boys playing his drum as loud as he could, not only that but if you watch the video the elders mallet comes within inches of the boys face, if this isn't aggressive behavior I don't know what is, also according to my sources the kids where not mocking them, they where singing there own song I believe it was for there school, not too sure on the fine details. Not only that but the native people also had more than a few threats toward the kids, I'm not supprised that some of the kids didn't know what was going on, this did happen very quickly and without much dialog, I actually must give props to the kid that stood his ground to the elder since it was an intimidating situation

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