Unhackable !!!!!!!!!!!!

in #unhackable8 years ago

I am tired of hearing this and that web site, confidential data or bla bal hacked. Even am hearing some which believe to be bullet proof got hacking episode. if i am not mistaken some which has block chain technology also hacked. So, people is there any technology that 100% hack proof? Please tell me.


Since the blockchain uses a distributed verification process it can't really be hacked directly. If you could infect enough computers with a custom zombie virus, you could potentially use those computers to verify your own fraudulent transactions and effectively steal the blockchain.

Of course, such an exploit would immediately crash the market for that crypto as the control of the system would become essentially centralized to the hacker, and as such there could be no confidence in the currency.

You are saying the block chain by default is hacker proof but the user expose himself to be infected then open for hacker? BTW thank you for your answering my question.

People built this, so people will always explore a loophole. At the moment, blockchain is pretty safe.

Everything's hacked!!