No matter how much journalism tries to tell a wrong story, facts and statistics are there.
Much of the violence around the world can be linked to the imperialist adventures of the United States abroad. According to a survey conducted by WIN / Gallup International, almost a quarter of the world's population (34%) today sees the United States as the greatest threat to world peace, whether due to military threats or Sponsorship and financing of terrorism. Around 25 million people have died from the intervention of the United States since World War II, spread over different wars throughout the world, such as Vietnam, Korea and the Middle East.
To get to know the history of massacre and destruction of this great nation, we can trace it back almost 2 centuries ago, where it began to perceive itself as a hegemonic power, the doctrine formulated by Monroe in 1823, "America for Americans" Was the beginning so that in the nineteenth century the United States would wage war on Mexico and take a third of its territory, so that an attack in the port of Havana provoked a war with Spain, or when at the beginning of the century XX lost Panama because of its imperialist need to integrate and communicate the Atlantic with the Pacific or when years later threatened us to invade us if we did not accept and protected the interests of United Fruit Company forcing finally the Colombian government to kill more than 1800 people .
In the twentieth century he supported horrendous dictatorships (Somoza, Trujillo, Batista, Duvalier, Stroessner, Pinochet, Videla), sabotaged democracies (Allende), organized conspiracies (Arbenz), invaded countries (Nicaragua, Honduras, Santo Domingo, Cuba , Grenada), executed or planned assassinations (Sandino, Caamaño Deno, Castro, perhaps Torrijos), approved and financed chemical attacks (blue tobacco mold and swine fever in Cuba) and despised international verdicts. The Hague for its policy towards Nicaragua), among many more that have not yet come to the public.
This would only be in Latin America, since in the rest of the world things would be worse, as when United States at the end of World War II (1945) nuclear bombs Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Just when Japan was ready to surrender, in addition these 2 cities Had zero military value) killing more than 200,000 people instantly, leaving irreparable aftermath of high doses of radiation, or shelling with orange and napalm agent of Vietnam in the 60s, Not counting the other atrocities that were committed, everything This will remain in impunity forever since the victor is the one who writes the story.
Although they can not say it, many serious and progressive governments of the world have long considered certain agreements with the United States to be of low reliability. The influence of the lobbies is so great and the interests of the different departments of Administration (Security Council, Pentagon, State Department, Treasury, Congress, advisors of the president, CIA) are so contradictory that any agreement with one of them can be Ignored and even sabotaged by any of the others, all of this would explain why John F. Kennedy was assassinated trying to take the monopoly of the private federal reserve (Rockefeller and Morgan) from foreign capitals to the Jewish-Zionist Rothschild family.
All these imperialist interests would explain the creation and funding of terrorist groups by the CIA, such as Alqeda in 88, or the Islamic state in 2004, which would later serve as scapegoats for attacks throughout the world, and thus do more Military intervention, such as the invasion of Iraq (2 years after the 9/11 attacks) and the Middle East where it was argued that they possessed weapons of mass destruction, to later find nothing, and continue invading with the excuse that Osama Bin Laden was hiding in the region.
For all this I believe that we must wake up, stop seeing this country as the best, when it is the most dangerous, we must individually improve to build a great nation, not to continue this submission.
but.. it's for safety, isn't it? ;)
Not really , you read the post?
that was sarcasm! :)