I might check it out. I don't personally watch a lot of videos because they take me a lot longer to watch than something I can read. I will likely want to use UE4 for some other projects in the future and they may come in handy then. I do know a lot of the basic stuff of UE4 and could use it pretty easily, but I don't know it at the level I know Unity so I suspect me getting to a similar level in UE4 would likely take me about 6 months at least.
I would strongly encourage you to take your videos. Start a series of blog posts similar to mine here on Steemit. You would want to post your videos here but also back them up with a written side. Worst case take some still shots from the video, and then provide a written transcript. People like me would up vote them. If you had a written transcript I likely wouldn't miss an episode. However, this is forever in the blockchain now so when I need some UE4 specific things I'll definitely be checking them out.
Seriously though... consider how you can leverage the fact you have those and use them here. :)