That is the question so many people are asking themselves. Can a concrete answer be found at all? The only things that a person can be absolutely certain of are the things in front of his eyes. If there is a book or a table in front of you then that’s that. Can the titled question be answered with the same kind of certainty? Yes, it can. Let’s forget about all the Bibles, Korans, Torahs and focus only on what is right here and right now. Like a smartphone for example. Does it have an inventor? Yes, otherwise it wouldn’t exist. It was created by someone who is very smart, who had a specific vision and intention. What would you think when someone told you that they were convinced that the smartphone wasn’t created by anyone? That it just appeared out of nowhere. You would think he was joking.
Now let’s take the human body for an example. Billions of cells, trillions of functions, it is infinitely more complex than the most complex gadget. By using simple logic that we used earlier isn’t it normal to conclude that it was created by something much more intelligent? What is the chance that we appeared out of nothing? Can randomness somehow assemble a smartphone? Can it appear out of nothing? If that was the case we wouldn’t have to buy one now, would we :P
To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:
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