Sophisticated Universe

in #universe7 years ago (edited)

The sophisticated nature that sometimes overcame me often shows worrying signs for new people.
I've never been good at geography, and I just could not understand how it works structure and architecture of the Unives
This was noticed that the UNIVERS is composed of visible matter (galaxies, stars, planets, asteroids, dust) representing about 10% of its total mass as well as dark matter and dark energy that would account for about 90% of the mass of the universe.


It is also said that there is a black hole and this would be an astronomical object limited by an area within which the gravitational field is so strong that nothing can escape from within that surface, also known as the "horizon of the event."


Also in these times they talk of the so famous universal attraction that it was discovered by Newton and represents the property of a body to fall to Earth, its weight, was regarded as a property inherent in all the bodies. It is the famous one who claimed that the weight of a body should be regarded as a force of attraction between the Earth and that body.


As a result, the universe is also a great force to fulfill the desires and bring to life people what they attract is just a theory that has been explained.
Numerous studies and films are being done on this subject I now remember a very interesting film TOUCH .... As nature our rase human being can still be unsuccessful and yet very simple.
But we live in our complicity here unhindered on the ground ... and sometimes we sail on other planets.



Sofisticata natura ce uneori ma depaseste arata deseori semne ingrijoratoare pentru noi pamanteni.
Nu am fost niciodata buna la geografie si nu am prea putut eu intelege cum sta treaba cu structura si arhitectura univesului
Universul a fost definit ca ar avea în compunerea sa materia vizibilă (galaxii, stele, planete, asteroizi, praf) care reprezintă cca 10 % din masa totală a sa precum și materia întunecată și energia întunecată care ar reprezenta cca 90% din masa universului.
Se mai spune ca exista o gaură neagră care cica ar fi un obiect astronomic limitat de o suprafață în interiorul căreia câmpul gravitațional este atât de puternic, încât nimic nu poate scăpa din interiorul aceastei suprafațe, cunoscută și sub denumirea de „orizontul evenimentului.
De asemeni in aceste timpuri se vorbeste de asa faimoasa atractie universala cum ca a fost descoperita de Newton si reprezinta proprietatea unui corp de a cadea catre Pamant, greutatea sa, a fost privita ca o proprietate inerenta tututror corpurilor. El faimosul este acela care a afirmat ca greutatea unui corp trebuie privita ca o forta de atractie dintre Pamant si acel corp.

In consecinta universul este si o mare forta de indeplinire a dorintele si aduce in viata oamenilor ceea ce ei atrag ca doar sunt ce au fost explicate.
Numeroase studii si filme sunt facute pe aceasta tema imi amintesc acum de un film interesant TOUCH ....nedeslusiti suntem si totusi foarte simpli.
Dar noi traim in complicitatea noastra aici nestingheriti pe cateodata mai navigam si pe alte planete.