Universe conscious?

in #universe8 years ago


Some scientist believes universe could be conscious.

wow looks like sci-fi movie to me but for those who say why....id say why not ?

its called panpsychism you can google this word like i do and its not somethin new.
Panpsychism is one of the oldest philosophical theories.

For quite some time, scientists have been working to understand the universe, where it came from, and why we are here. However, they have often come up short until now. The scientist responsible for such a notion is Gregory Matloff, and his ideas are shocking, to say the least.
According to Matloff, a physicist at New York City College of Technology, in his recently published paper, humans could be like the rest of the universe, in substance and in spirit. Futurism reported that a “proto-consciousness field” could extend throughout all space. Basically, in lamens terms, the entire cosmos could be self-aware

anyway dont think we gonna find out soon if this theory too crazy but who knows.