My son and daughter in law been here since Thursday.
They helped me go through 25 years of clothes and FINALLY get rid of ALL the stuff I have that doesn't fit. I now have 20 loads? of laundry to do and folding and trying on and packing up more things to give to charity.
I am out of pain meds and can not get any until I see a Doctor on AUGUST 10th.
I just spent 2 days unable to walk after 3 full days of going through clothes and life.
My son lives in Colombia, South America. I had not seen him in 4 years. He is my only child. I miss him.
They left my house this morning to spend time with other family members. They leave to go back to their home on August 4th.
I am tired and sad and today was not the best time for me to make a contest post but it was already set in motion.