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RE: Your Project isn't My Mission

I've been thinking about this today because of an earlier discussion elsewhere about what makes a post successful, and I didn't have a good answer to that question for posts about curation initiatives. I have a pretty varied activity around here; some of it I don't post about at all, and some of it I do.

I guess some of it is tied to whether a post is interesting and publicity is good for the people I'm trying to support. Nobody really cares that I delegated x to y for z but if I'm trying to reward people for writing great songs posting about it seems like a good idea. There's a balance there, and it's not always an easy one to figure out.

I can't really imagine ever starting a sentence with "I wish I would get some recognition for" in any context at this point in my life. But I was twenty once, and I have some sympathy for the people who still are. Even if just mentally. May they all level up for their sake and ours.


I don't know. I think we could probably all think of times we've at least FELT that way. It might seem like a long stretch, but I was thinking about it, and I think the reason a person might want recognition for something is not because they haven't gotten recognition in the past, but more likely because they were wronged for some reason, and accused of something they feel misjudged by. So they're overcompensating. That's been my experience.

It's actually happened to me once, where I was accused of something that was not representative of who I was. And it kind of ruined my spirit. All I wanted to do was have these people just recognize me for who I was. And I would start sentences like that. But I grew out of it, because it was short-sighted, limited, and frankly immature in the end.

Still, I have sympathy for folks who feel this way. I guess it's just a soft spot having been through something where I was misrepresented. I think that's usually what that's about.

I guess I see your example a little differently... What you are talking about is actually happening on Steem. So, I'm a little more likely to care about your efforts. :) It seems even worse to tell me about the baby whales you are helping in AZ. It's a tough call.

LOL!! Who is helping baby whales in AZ? Did you just make that up, or is someone pretending they are doing this?

lol, I made it up. Just random charities that people think I should care about. haha