WHY is Bannon Blocking Robert Steele from talking to
President Donald J. Trump?
We @phibetaiota are asking for a little more...
Robert Steele, with Interviewers, “Deep State, Steve Bannon, #GoogleGestapo, Pedophilia, and More,” Hagmann Report, February 25, 2017.
Robert Steele is openly asking for a meeting with Steve Bannon on the most important, open issue; Electoral ReformMemo4Trump. Not the least of which is Electoral Reform.
Please invite Bannon to review the Memo4Trump and meet Mr. Steele immediately for an open discussion on this important matter!
Bannon' Twitter
Robert David Steele is the pro bono Chief Enabling Officer
(CeO) of Earth Intelligence Network,
a 501c3 devoted to teaching holistic analytics (HA),
true cost economics (TCE),
and open source everything engineering (OSEE).
Some history is going on here, maybe. Didn't Robert Steele say quite a few things about Trump quitting and throwing the race to Hillary
Things are getting real. History is being made no matter how you look at it. Perhaps your plans are lacking in three things, humor, one inclusive and simple ethical rule and incentives. Whatever you do, don't check out, or follow on the fringe @brindleswan or email him privately at [email protected]