Robert David Steele presented in Philadelphia talking about the #UNRIG movement, Uncovering the Deep State, and the current affairs of the White House, the US government, and the US country as a whole.
One of the interesting points RDS made was this:
The president holds the authority to call a debt jubilee. Literally, the president can declare a banking holiday, shut down the federal reserve for a week, and during that time declare a jubilee, cancelling all small personal/family debts (including school debt).
Once the holiday was over, the federal reserve would be left basically maimed, as the masses would be "freed" from the bonds of debt/slavery of the greenback printing press, leaving the federal reserve (private bank) wounded.
What could this do?
Tilt power back to the people as over $1 Trillion in debt would be cancelled. Allow for a nationalized (or pseudo nationalized) bank backed by assets (or perhaps on a blockchain)? No longer would the private banks be in as powerful of a position over people.
12 Points for Reform
1) Prisoners keep right to vote
2) Tightly drawn districts
3) Free and equal public funding
4) Free and equal media access
5) Inclusive Debates
6) Balanced budget in advance of election day
7) Open Primaries
8) Election day holidays and free public transportation
9) Paper ballets counted in public on site + exit polls
10) Instant runoff (1/2/3 choices)
11) legislative process integrity (posted in advanced and tracked online)
12) Repel Taft Hartley 14b, strengthen unions, and nationalize the federal reserve.
What are your thoughts?
Thank you for the Post!
Will reshare @phibetaiota
Keep up the good work.
~The Management