Welcome to the Unschooled Adventures of Jack and Pho, where children are free to learn! This book is an introduction to the unschooled world as Jack and Pho discover that learning and play are not mutually exclusive.
This first Unschooled Adventures title is a 102-page full-color illustrated book that will inspire you and your loved ones to pursue their curiosities without end.
The content is geared toward children aged 9-to-13 but can be enjoyed by anyone wanting to see what an unschooled environment could be like.
The book lays down character and plot basics and sets the reader up for an ever-expanding story meant to help readers understand the philosophy and virtues of an unschooled life.
Join in today and get some special perks for you and your family as we kick off the Unschooled Adventures journey!
See you soon!
~Pho ^^
Indiegogo: https://igg.me/at/unschooled
Amazon: https://amzn.to/47rlBai
#unschool #unschooling #unschoolers #homeschool #homeschooling #homeschoolers #unschooler #homeschooler #education #worldschool #worldschooling #worldschooler #worldschoolers #sde #selfdirectededucation
Consider joining us as we inspire families to move away from the compulsory school system and, instead, toward freedom in learning.
Wishing you and yours good things this year!
In liberty,
~ Pho ^^
Indiegogo: https://igg.me/at/unschooled
Amazon: https://amzn.to/47rlBai
The illustration is nice,....great job...