Unschooling Blog, Vol. 29: Learning Through Play is the Natural Way. (A visit to the burger shop)

in #unschooling8 years ago (edited)


I came home the other day and found this sign stuck to the front door.


My son had purchased a play dough burger shop kit from the hyaku-en shoppu (dollar shop).


He was very excited to get to work and said irasshai-mase! ("welcome!") as I took my seat at the shop. I taught him how to say "Welcome to Pac Burger," in English.


I checked out the menus he and his mother had laminated and affixed to the sliding doors in the kitchen.


He went immediately to work after I placed my order, double checking the ingredients--lettuce, tomato, etc--and the order in which they should be stacked on the burger.

Consulting the menu and making a cheese slice.

The finished product, which I washed down with a tiny toy cola!

He had to improvise on the buns, as he had no brown play dough!

Just in the course of this fun little game my son, entirely of his own volition, wished to play, he had worked with concepts of money, procedure, language, advertising, and business management. Pretty neat. All without having to force him to do a single "lesson" on anything.

(Thanks for stopping by! If you missed the last Unschooling Blog post, "EVERYTHING is "educational" (Feat. Isaiah's new toy demo video!)" you can find it HERE.)



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


You have a great family @kafkanarchy84 sir, your boy is really cute and yes these type of toys really make the children to learn quickly and in natural way also.

nice ur baby is so happy and cute and really look like u.. hahaha nice ur home make a burger point it look like a playgroup of kid schools and in play group and also this is also good for all childs it make the base of our kids and give some new talent to join thier first class @kafkanarchy 84 sir

nice way its better than give him ipad keep him in naturel away from bad technologie

Very nice your post my friend

This is the play way method to learn things. Your son is quite intelligent, which is inborn power from you friend. There is a saying like father like son, it is sweetable to both of you .Any way how are you, please have a look on my new post, Specialy I mentioned your name their. Have a great day, happy steeming

I entirely agree that accidental learning and allowing kids to teach themselves through activities which interest them is the most effective way. Kids are naturally curious, so just provide them with the means and they will do most of the learning themselves.

I mostly unschooled both of my children (now 13 and 18), and this was exactly the kind of valuable learning from living that I found to be the most instructive than any other method. It's how kids learn before they're forced into institutional school environments, and it's how we learn as adults once we're finally released from that institution. I was so grateful to be able to entirely sidestep the years of compulsory education, and let my children direct their own education.

It is interacting with our kids, and using these small organic teaching moments, that will make the biggest difference in our child's development! Good for you! @kafkanarchy84

We actually homeschooled our kids for years, but with my loss of work and our move, we weren't able to continue. Though we still try and take as many natural teaching moments as possible!!