I totally agree!
As someone who has taught in schools in three continents, and ages 4-74, I have to say that the educational systems are designed for the industrial revolution- to manufacture complacent, authority-respecting, unquestioning worker bees for the factory system. The problem is that this model still exists! Our world is incredibly different in the information age that is technocratic and moving at an exponential speed; we need critical thinkers, innovators, dreamers, young people to question status quo, and create something new. I would see my students as the geniuses who I was to facilitate in their curiosity, rather than an authority figure. I co-designed how we would approach the designated curriculum with my students, and for that I was in the principal's office more times in my first year of teaching than my entire 12 years as a student combined. Children are absolutely incredible and should not be looked down upon but collaborated with and inspired for their creativity. I also used to live in Japan and witnessed how my friend's children soaked up not only Japanese and English, but spoke another 4 languages at the dinner table because both the husband and wife had parents that worked internationally. The educational system is limiting and needs to be discarded for something new to take its place. I left teaching because I was tired of fighting with the principals at my schools for my innovations.... In my humble opinion, "unschooling" all the bs programming we were taught in schools is one way to becoming a free individual. Kudos for your article!!!
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