Are you good at unscrambling words, how about a sentence....
Rules to Play
- Unscramble the sentence to win
- Winner receives 0.1 STEEM (prize amount)
- (Hint) will have how many words are in the sentence.
- You can buy a word for 0.05 STEEM and you will receive the longest word, limit one per user. Memo "Sentence Unscrambler".
- Amount received for bought words will go towards next contest prize amount.
- Older posts are recognised first if they have the answer.
- No winner, funds will be transferred to the next contest.
- Game last for only 24 hours.
Example : mdvIolyoge.
Hint: Four words
Answer: I love my dog.
Lets Play....
Hint: 3 words
I love steemit.
Ha ha ha
Love it ❤️
Thank you for sharing this material, I like what you posted. Thank you so much
Thank you as well.
I see mistletoe
"I see mitsletoe" nope that's not it.
I kept trying to fit in " I live to steem"
"I live to steem" nope 3 words.
I live to steem
"I live to steem" nope 3 words, @stevescoins already tried that.
I live to steem?
I love steemit. so easy.