Game Rules
- First person to unscramble the sentence wins.
- Winner receives 10.38 SBD, and 30% SDB from this blog post.
- All Contestants receive 0.01 STEEM that try to solve the question, one per person.
- (Hint) will have how many words are in the sentence.
- Older posts are recognised first if they have the answer.
- No winner, funds will be transferred to the next contest.
- Game ends after 24 hours, or when someone wins.
- No upvoting your reply please.
Example : mdvIolyoge.
Hint: Four words
Answer: I love my dog.
It pays to be smart, let's play....
Hint: Four words, Steemit
I like the grid puzzles better! Here is an answer that uses all the letters: Steemit enumerates land photos.
I like grid puzzles as well, and any brain teaser games.
Good try, but your answer is not correct.
Steem has tremendous potential
Congrats, your answer is correct.