Sanofi Pasteur, the maker of "Dengvaxia" issued a statement that individuals who had been vaccinated which haven't previously gotten the disease could develop a more severe symptoms of Dengue fever. They said that the vaccines was intended only to be given for people who previously had gotten sick of the disease so they would be protected from developing symptoms.
Based on up to six years of clinical data, the new analysis evaluated long-term safety and efficacy of Dengvaxia in people who had been infected with dengue prior to vaccination and those who had not. The analysis confirmed that Dengvaxia provides persistent protective benefit against dengue fever in those who had prior infection,” Sanofi statement read.
“For those not previously infected by dengue virus, however, the analysis found that in the longer term, more cases of severe disease could occur following vaccination upon a subsequent dengue infection"
But the government already had given the vaccines to more than 700,000 school children which majority whom didn't get the disease so these people as stated by Sanofi Pasteur could be more at risk and the department of Health in the Philippines suspended the continuation of the vaccination program and the Department of Justice is now calling for an investigation about this major flop in the system in the previous administration's hurried school-based immunization program which costed the government seven-hundred million dollars for that program alone.
Avoid all vax. Unless you know you need it.
"They give you puss, so you don't get puss"-Dr. Blair
I never trusted vaccines and never will, man thinking about all those kids getting sick got me mad as hell! Those are my people
you are a doctor right dear?
He sure has had plenty of experience with doctors! Thanks for the post @cryptopie God Bless you sir.
get used to live clean so as not to get the symptoms of dengue fever and should immediately have a solution