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RE: My Steemit Journey - 1 Year in search of MY WAY at Steemit (long story, En/Ru)

in #untalented7 years ago

this is my first time dropping by. I so blessed to have read about your journey thus far. I'm just 1 month into this and I've also been doing some reflecting on my own. your reflections have definitely pointed a direction for me to go. I've yet to use any upvote bots and also struggling with​ finding a community. I'm loving @thesteemengine so far. plenty of awesome people in it. will also look out for some of the others that you've mentioned.

great job in making all these huge strides over the past year! cheers to another amazing year on Steemit! :)


It is sometimes useful for all of us to look back and evaluate our actions, what was done right and what is not.
Personally, I believe that using pay-per-vote bots in such amounts as now is evil, but it took me a while to realize this. I looked around, looked beyond my own wallet and saw where this led the Golos platform (Russian Steemit) in less than a year. There, everyone sells their votes, no one will vote even for quality content, unless the author buys their votes. Experience and non-indifference to the future of this platform allowed me to form my opinion on buying votes. Feel free to form your own.

Keep it up! And thank you for your feedback. I watched your blog and it seems to me that now you are moving in the right direction: original content, a friendly community that encourages manual curation and communication. And @curie loves you:-)

this has also recently been a heated debate among my friends. while most of us​ are trying our best to churn out good contents. what brought us here in the first place was the rewards. one of our friends​ fought to make a point. he argued that if we took away all the rewards, would we still be making the same amount of effort, if any at all. to be honest. my personal answer was no. I can't answer for the rest. but the reward does play a part. so with this, the friend that challenged us told us we might as well play to the system. use bots and maximize profits. I do think that being appreciated matters and you can't get that from upvote bots. so, for now,​ it's about striking the balance. hopefully with time I get to know myself better. and when I hit my 12-month​ mark. I can be like you, looking back proudly at what I have strived to achieve. :)