A simple sneeze is just right to debilitate me and it did. Just a couple of some sneezing made my rib joints in pain now and I could not easily move to my side to sleep and when I eat I just have to be careful in reaching my food while lying flat on my back.
So it is just messy to eat with foods that have to be eaten with fingers as some would fall off to my bed. All of that trouble because I could not roll unto my side because of my ribs. So getting up is really hard too as i noticed that I developed a more weak body.

I cannot walk easily because my pelvic joint won't heal, it is still sprained for some reason and it teamed up with my feet joints that are acting the same. Now I just take NSAID pain killer as it works for hours and gives me more mobility.
It is not just my hip and feet but also my tail bone is hurting along with stiffness all around my body. To make matters worse i cannot breathe easy and would get a breath by bowing down and rest for a while. I do that a few times while taking a shower and before I do painful walk from bathroom to my room.
Upon reaching my bed with my towel on I will carefully lie down and put on my underwear which my parents had prepared for me on the bed and I put on my short pants after because the journey from bathroom to my room is just too hard enough for me that I no longer have the breath and energy to put on my clothes anymore.

Image Source: FB Gifs
Be careful when walking brother, You bones are not strong enough
i know you can not walk properly because your pelvic joints won,t heal.you take NSAID painkiller always because its very needs for your health pain solved.i am understan your situation.keep faith to god and be patient.thanks to sharing for your good post dear @cryptopie
Hello, I recommend you, therapies with relaxation massages, hot stones that relaxes your muscles a lot and helps you fall asleep and drink tea, natural before bedtime is very good, I hope you improve your day friend @ cryptopie
really the gif you added at the bottom makes lots of sense and true inspiration for many. I know the people who worry a lot and commit suicide for silly things. last gif is so inspirational bro :)
may you get well soon :( please don't lose hope. Hope is key to success.
The bone advanced joint has been very good, thanks for the post of Boss
Try to take rest @cryptopie
good post..dear
Pay your taxes from your gains of crypto!!! IRS loves money!
espero que te recuperes! te dejo mi humilde voto!