What a great poem, your awesomeness. Upvoted you.
BTW You are not the same person you've started out as. You've changed. If you hadn't, you'd still be in diapers with your mother. Therefore change is good, blah blah blah, etc., etc., etc.
All the best,
Thank you for your sweet reply!
I have to say, I am so happy I dont wear diapers LMAO
Why post in "untalented" when you are talented?
Thank you for feeling like I am talented! :D
I posted it there because that is the contest lmao
#untalented removes barriers to entry thus can host talented, so-called untalented (as i feel everyone is talented), talented who feel they are untalented, etc
Woooow, was wondering too... This is a perfect explanation... I am glad i read this entry thereby coming across this comment...