Alot of folks feel that money would fill that void they feel deep within the sanctuary of their lives, only to realise that they have believed a fallacy all the while.
Waking up to so much wealth yet there is that battle that wouldn't end as the craving for more money drive them insane and the demands so much from their lives that Peace becomes a foreigner to their soul.
The desire for wealth is not evil in itself but when it begins to deprive you your peace, there's need to clearly spell out the motive for your desire for wealth. With this assertion comes peace.
Let wealth be a leverage not a snare which you wish you could do away with.
Peace of mind is great medicine. #Joetalks.
Goodnight steemians
Happy I have no voids at this point in life, I see you don’t have a Steemit Profile Picture I made a contest post to make it simple to do just scroll down Here
Also here is another contest I have going on Here