Would like to share with our learning for this day.
I believe, everyone has STANDARD.
Credit to our pastor, Ps. Adet Colitoy.
“however, let us keep living by that same STANDARD to which we have attained.”
(Philippians 3:16 NASB, emphasis added)
Why the need for standard?
1 Standard determines quality.
2 Standard provides safety.
3 Standard ensures reliability.
What is the meaning of standard?
standard- “ephthasamen” (Greek)
The word involves the concept of...
1 Achieving
2 Accomplishing
3 Arriving
As a disciple of Christ, the standard is...
1 “Christlikeness”- we are being transformed into the likeness of Christ
2 “Multiplying Ministry”- we are fully engage in Jesus’ mission
How are we going to attained this standard?
Using the metaphor of a runner...
1 Be consistent and do not go backwards
2 Keep going forward.
3 Don’t waver
4 Don’t stray
5 Stay on track
6 Run with a team
Date: June 23, 2018, Saturday
Time: 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Place: 2nd floor, Bicas Market, Susano Road, North Caloocan.
Mentoring with Primary Leaders and Power of One,
His Presence Church, North Caloocan.