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RE: Epecstasy - to go out of oneself endlessly into Love, for there is no end to the journey into Love without measure

in #untalented7 years ago

Been away a long time but so gratified to find your heartlifting reply now

As it happens 'My Year With The Gods' is FREE for all on #Kindle July 16-20 so please do download a copy.

It is a crazy (not-at-all religious) story, and a challenging read. But if (apart from you) only one more person looks a little deeper into the life and teachings of St Gregory and the epectasy it will have succeeded on a far deeper more important level than being just pure escapism!

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Oooh, St. Gregory of Nissa, never deemed a heretic, so I'm thinking he's on the right track with the idea that a God of Love could allow none of his creation to perish in hell; therefore, hell isn't the eternal lake of fire most creeds hold it to be. If I got that wrong, please correct me. Your book sounds cool!

A friend Mimi L Thompson who is a biblical scholar studying original works in Latin Greek & Hebrew sent me this on the subject of St Gregory and the Highway to Hell

"Yep, he absolutely believes in universal salvation (ie the salvation of everyone, including sinners and the devil). Hell does not exist eternally. Main ref is ‘On the Soul and the Resurrection’, in which Gregory holds a death-bed discourse with his sister, Macrina.

’Then a universal feast will be kept around the Deity ... and one and the same banquet will be spread for all, with no differences cutting off any rational creature from an equal participation in it’ (de anima et resurrectione 461).

Similar remarks are made a bit earlier, specifically with reference to those in hell :

‘When evil shall have someday been annihilated, nothing shall be left outside the world of goodness, but even from evil spirits shall rise the confession of Christ’s majesty.’ (de anima 444).

Moreover, SGN’s constant insistence that the pains of hell are purgative and purifying – not punitive – strongly suggest that hell is not eternal but that everyone will, one day, be sufficiently purified to enter heaven. Gregory does not think that all will be saved simultaneously: many will have to endure varying lengths of punishment after death."

You can find her books on Amazon

The concept of Hell has been 'agents' of the Devil's most potent weapon to work their evil ways since the Forbidden Apple was eaten.

Hope you enjoy the book. A challenging read, but it will rock you!
Vaya con Dios