Thank You For Being...

in #untalented7 years ago (edited)

Appreciating people who have directly or indirectly impacted your life in whatever means is what we have been deeply taught at Harvest House Christian Center here in Ibadan, Nigeria by Reverend Gbeminiyi Eboda.

I would have loved to make different post for each individuals so i can say much about them, but i don't want to cloud your timeline and make the essence of doing this post to be lost in translation. I am sorry if i haven't mentioned you yet, but trust me, i will, (because i don't take impacts, value and friendship for granted), i just had to do this first so i wouldn't make my post too lengthy for people to read. I don't just need upvotes, i need you all to read and know that it is totally and absolutely good to appreciate people so they can be encouraged. I want everyone to know indeed that what comes from the heart always touches the heart. I was led to do this and i am glad i did.

This post was inspired by @everlove in her open love note (hahahahaha) to, and appreciation for @alexandravart and i will love to start with her.

You are selfless. I don't know you personally but at this point i don't think i need to before i can see how you have a beautiful heart. From spotting "our Romanian" friend's art and going home with it, to the recognition of her works and glowing praise to her, it speaks more of how beautiful your life and heart is and how humans are supposed to act; selfless, led, and with a heart. "Thank you for being @everlove". You are simply amazing. Keep at it.

I love using the word "beautiful" and it is not only in relation to outward appearance but deeper ones. You made me love and appreciate arts more now. You brought out the love i have for arts which has been deeply embedded inside me. It came out to the surface to play hahahaha and it is not going back. I have interacted with you few times and there is no denying the fact that you put your heart into your works. I will say it for the umpteenth time that you bleed emotions into your works. Who would see your artistic works and not be totally blown away by it? You give "life" to expressions in people's heart and you are so amazing, no wonder you always draw the attention of amazing people to yourself; like pole attracts. Keep putting your best in and those arts would gain the massive recognition they deserve. If it was easy, there would be no you. Ease is a threat to work. "Thank you for being @alexandravart". You are simply phenomenal. Keep at it.

I joined discord and she picked me right up. She gave invaluable advice and she told me to always send my posts to her privately so she can read. That is complete trust to someone you just met and it is borne out of a heart that really cares. She is always busy and might not have time to chat with me as often, but she has never for once complained about the posts i send to her. Steemit really made me come across a beautiful soul like you and he is so proud to have you. Your friendship is invaluable and i am not taking it for granted. "Thank you for being @artaddict". You are exceptional. Keep at it.

Oh! My friend, i really love your real name but i won't disclose it. Have you ever seen someone so free and willing to tell you more about herself without holding anything back? Yeah, there she is! She actually kept me busy on Christmas and i didn't really feel bad for not travelling even though she did. When you responds, i always imagine the excitement at which you send your messages and you apologizing for any slight delay in replying speaks so great about your heart. I love people with good and kind hearts. I just always want to be around them. It transforms me more and more. I want you to know that i am not taking your friendship for granted. "Thank you for being @thatindianlady". You are invaluable. Keep at it.

What can i say about this awesome being that bleeds awesomeness? What can i say about his special love for Nigerians? What can i say about his deep insightful long and lengthy post (which he has actually infected me with)? What can i say about his heart and deep connections to almost everyone on this platform? I am so jealous of those who get to see you everyday. You are selfless sir. You sacrifice so much, even your health just to make others better and pour out from the reservoir of knowledge you have. I only ask of God for one thing for you as i type this: "Health restoration" and so be it! Watch it improve. This world needs you. Oh! What depth you have. "Thank you for being @surpassinggoogle". You are awesomeness. Keep at it

Giving is not giving until you help someone who might never be able to repay you. I believe you live by that code. Your commitments to creativity is invaluable. Your deep understanding of how you want the world to be and should be is really commendable, and your heart through which all these amazing ideas come from is truly loveable. I see what you do and you once told me a deep truth that you admire creative people and that is why you do what you do. Read your posts and how you really reached out to @alexandravart and i would say i got to know you from there. I love selfless people. I admire people with kind heart and foresight. I am definitely learning from you and how the heart should be always. "Thank you for being @stellabelle". You are selfless. Keep at it.

I started following your page more after the challenge for 300words you put out, (though i am not really a story writer per say but more of a depth writer, advice giver, speaker, a poet and impact maker). Through your posts it is never hard to see you thrive on making impacts. You love people engaging you in conversations; meaningful ones. You don't like those who try to act lazy or smart. You are really amazing. You love depths, thought provoking comments and not sloppy ones.
"Thank you for being @swissclive". You are insightful. Keep at it.

I was totally touched by your post which was resteemed by @surpassinggoogle few days ago and it is a timely reminder of how bitter people act, how cruel the world can be sometimes and how insensitive people can sometimes, act. For a 23year old, you are strong, wise and have learned so much that has taken others 30 years or 40 years to learn. You are blessed. You are beautiful in and out. Surround yourself by people who truly cares and let go of those who don't. Life is short to be dragged down and surrounded by people who adds no value to you and are committed to only pull you down. Let them wallow in self pity while you soar on the wings of eagle and Grace. No one can tell your story better than you. "Thank you for being @debilog". You are blessed. Keep at it.

Brotherly! Have you ever seen someone with so much passion for Steemit here around me as this awesome man? I know of one more but i will talk about him after this. Your passion is indescribable. I recently learned of how you were advocating for SBD to be converted directly into Naira (local currency) and how people really thrashed talk you and all that, yet you held your own and now it is a work in progress. You are bold. You are strong. You have a resilient mind. No one can do what you do. You travel all around just to make things tick and you provide invaluable help for newbies (minnows). They are invaluable. God bless your amazing heart and selfless service to make everyone better and leverage on their gifts. "Thank you for being @tojukaka". You are passionate. Keep at it.

What an amazing person. Not because i am one of the many people who won his contest in being rewarded with Steem, but i do see his amazing contributions to the course of promoting Steemit. He is not only doing it here in Nigeria and as we speak, on his way to help out also in Ghana. How selfless can one be? He is the other passionate person about Steemit i said i would talk about. You are just too amazing. God protect and keep your paths safe. "Thank you for being @ejemai". You are energetic. Keep at it.

This sweetly nice being. I met her on Discord and i like people that flow so well with conversations without reading any meaning to it and there she is. She is loaded. You can never predict this amazing talent. She has depth. She writes her heart out and you will always have things to learn from her. She is open minded and amazingly friendly. She is one of a kind and i am proud to have known you through Steemit and that is never going to break. I always cherish my friends. I hold them dear and close and you are one. Your smile can melt a heart made of stone. "Thank you for being @ponmile". You are a smiling FRIEND. Keep at it.

Before i even typed anything, i just smiled right now. He told me about Steemit. He went though my blog on wordpress (which i don't use anymore anyway hahahahaha, can you blame me?), and he said while i quote: "You have so much rich and loaded write ups. Why don't you join Steemit?". I didn't hesitate and i am glad i didn't. He gave all the help i needed and his advice are valuable even till now. That is why i always make sure i help everyone, who asks for help about anything on Steemit. "To whom much is given, much is required". I am always willing to help newbies because i know how clueless i was at the start too and you gave that massive help. It speaks so much about how amazing a person you are. "Thank you for being @kingsolo". You are a support system. Keep at it.

Lastly but never the least and i didn't list the names in any particular order of importance but how the name popped up in my head. I love following my heart and that is why i did this post too.

Steemit brought us closer even though i know you before, just the "hello" - "hello" kind of greeting. I got to know you closer and without any iota of doubt, you are simply phenomenal. She would go to any length for people even if it means depriving herself. I have friends that they only check up on you once a while but she does it effortlessly and it is mutual because i love reaching out to my friends and she definitely made it easier. Your heart is golden. Your smile is captivating. Your look is dashing. Your steps are gracious. You are like an angel, hanging up from the sky, weightless, dancing on the head of a pin. Your influence spreads like fragrance and that is a great testament to the kind of person you have turned out to be. You do things without thinking of rewards. You reach out without thinking of being shunned. You follow your heart just like me. Adejoke, you are the heart breaking reflection of God's heart for men. That guy has to go through me...serious screening. Hahahaha. Thank you for all you do. "Thank you for being @adejoke16". You are a rare gift, you came to give the world a lift. Keep at it.

You can appreciate people you have come across too. Let them feel your appreciation. We all need motivation to continue to do what we do some times. Let them see what they mean to you and let them see that their efforts are noticed and never in vain. You don't have to be a good writer to do this, just speak from your heart. Like i always say: "What comes from the heart touches the heart".

Thank you all, you are all so important to me. I do see your comments and upvotes, i am NEVER taking them for granted.

Still me,
Olawalium (Chemical reaction for love). Take a dose today. (Doctor's order).



Awwww...this is great @olawalium...I'm glad I met you have been truly awesome...Thank you so much dear *hugs

Thank you too my dear. Keep being amazing. I really look forward to seeing you. big hugs. Waiting with excitement. 😊

I appreciate your nice comments. I see you try to help and encourage others. Please join me in helping encouraging the best in steem (with your comments), and discouraging those who are lazy, spammy, or unjustly milking the reward pool. Again your words of guidance will help.

Meanwhile, i think you will like this upvote.

I am really delighted to hear this and thank you once again for being so kind. I am not taking it for granted. Yes, we need people who actually want to learn and give amazing words to comment rather than those who just rush to the upvote button and give comments that are totally uncommitted to what was posted. (Lazy and spammy). I am willing to join on this and thank you for the opportunity as well.
And yes, i sure love the upvote hahaha. Thank you so much. 🤗

Awe @olawalium. I am so taken by this post!!!! I had no idea about you, and I'm so glad you passed my way. Thank you for sharing your heart and acknowledging all of these amazing people. Your show of love and support for these Steemians is really touching, and I am honored to be included in your line-up of appreciation.

I love this powerful community we are creating. One connection at a time our "family" grows. It is so beautiful that we are doing it from all around the world with people we have never even met in person. What an amazing reality.

Your writing is so genuine, I can feel the true essence of your appreciation. Thank you so very much for sharing the love around. I hope this is but one more step toward igniting the joy of sharing our gratitude here on Steemit, and I hope others will take your example. I'll be back to resteem your post to keep it active for others to see. You amaze me. I'm grateful for you @olawalium. Thank you for being!

Truly, you just proved what comes from the heart touches the heart. You are absolutely right, we are doing all these with people we don't even know or might not cross paths with and it has been an awesome experience so far with everyone playing their parts. I am more thrilled and impressed by you more than i can articulate in words. I really appreciate your love for this and for starting this show of appreciation. Thank you for your kind words. Thank you for your wonderful heart. Thank you for being! big massive hug for you.

Oh my! So very much to appreciate!!!! I went to Steemfest1 and Steemfest2. My experience there was really astounding. I never expected to find so many kindred spirits---people I felt connected to on a soulful level, people I just knew were my people, people who truly gave me the gift of their beautiful hearts.

That has been my experience here on this Steemit platform too. I feel that Steemit was made for us to create community, to love, support, honor and appreciate one another on a level we have never been able to before. This is our opportunity to reconnect with our global family. And here we are! We're doing it!!! Thank you for finding me and for sharing yourself. My life is way better already thanks to you @olawalium.

Steemit gets what's best from us; from being simple people with a simple life, everyone is sharing their experiences and we learn to support each other. But there is more on this platform, there are people who make a living with the earnings from steemit and the group of friends that you get here, you don't meet them everywhere, it is indeed more about this platform than just blogging

@artaddict you nailed it. Spot on. Steemit makes us want to give our best. Shapes us. Little things suddenly becomes important to us all and that's impressive. Yes, so many people have made a fortune from Steemit and i hope to aswell. I read stories of how people leave their work to focus on Steemit. This community does not only connect people but rewards them handsomely. I wait for that day while i also meet life changing and thought provoking people that will make me even better. There is a lot to learn in here. Thank you so much dear. You are really nice.

We'll all just keep giving our best and create something that astounds us all. Our connections are really priceless gifts we give to each other. If we make money, and even if we get "rich", that is an added bonus, as we will/are already "rich" with each other. The community, for me is the true prize. We can take the love in our hearts when we go but the money will be left behind.

With people like you, the world is a better place already. This community made me know that little things matter and we all need one another. I am always excited when love spreads and you have a big heart for it. I am super excited i got to know you and i am now connected to you. Love is all the world needs to heal. There is no denying what a little act of kindness can do and you are amazingly kind hearted. Thank you for taking the initiative. You are the real MVP.

What a blessing we are to each other....true magnificence comes when we open our hearts to love. Thanks for all your words, and for being so real and vulnerable. We truly have an amazing gift here on Steemit. May we take this opportunity to really do something of value for us all.

Let's keeps spreading it around. It's contagious! <3

Very contagious. Thank you always.

My pleasure indeed!

That is so so nice of you to write 😊😊, i really appreciate the way you text me and the way you became my friend. A genuine connection 😊😊 to other corner of the world. Thankyou so much @olawalium 😊 for all good words, the world needs More people like you, spreading positive and happy, god bless you my friend 😊😊😊

Thank you so much. I am delighted to hear your kind words. They mean so much to me. I am glad you see the intention behind it. We need more people like you too; selfless and wonderful. I am so glad you are my friend. I am not taking it for granted. Thank you.

It's great to connect with you through our common friend, my new friend, @olawalium. Infinite blessings to you @thatindianlady.

Blessings your way @everlove 😊😊

I'm grateful to be so blessed! <3

Aww...really feel like giving you both a hug.

Thanks @olawalium. It's been received. Returning one to you.

Duly received and acknowledged. 😊

Ha! This is deep......

"What comes from the heart touches the heart".

What more can one say to these beautiful and excellent people whom have gone out of their ways to show love to us even though we don't know them in person.
@Surpassinggoogle, @everlove, @alexandravart, @artadict, @thatindianlady, @kingsolo, @stellabelle, @swissclive, @tojukaka, @ejemai, @ponmile, @adejoke16, @debilog.......
On behalf of @olawalium, myself and every other steemian all over the world I say a hearty THANK YOU. You guys rock... we are grateful for giving your all without the expectation of any payback.

They are invaluable. We can never thank them enough. They make the world a better place. Thank you so much brother, i appreciate you.

That's an awesome comment @funshel. I can tell you feel the power in sharing the love around. I hope to read your Thank You For Being post soon too. Your genuine expression shines through.

Am glad to hear this from you @everlove. You will read my full blown Thank You For Being post soon I can assure you that. Today I did a lil Thank You post as I hit 100 Followers on Steemit lol... Thank you for the love you share

I'm so grateful to be sharing the blessing @funshel. And I'm EXCITED to see a Thank You For Being post from you! Congrats on the 100 followers!!!

Your testimony was so heart melting .. thats true that you need to be thankful and appreciate what ever small things happens.
Appreciation is the best key in this world that facing issues and in chaos .
Good heart you are that you thank all those person who appreciated you.
Im a new member only 9days to be exact and still observing and investigating what steemit can do - as of now best thing i learned to gain friends now here, learn to communicate even english is my 2nd language :) and enjoy what community has :D

Hello dear, take it from me, this community offers you all you need. You will definitely love it here. You are right, learn, read, observe, make impacts and friends too. I just followed you. Always here for you.

There is much to appreciate here on Steemit. Thank goodness we have the opportunity to share and express our feelings about it. Grateful to see you here @cheche016.

You are so amazing!

Oh my my! I am so touched by your unreserved display of gratitude to all the above mentioned steemians.

Gratitude is a sign that man has not lost his sanity.

You have just taken your love for those who have impacted your steemit journey positively to another level and I am so honoured to deserve a mention. The way you turned out on steemit has made it easy for me to continue preaching the gospel of steemit wherever I can.

I am not surprised to know that we share the same DNA when it comes to those we hold dearly in our heart. Virtually all the people you mentioned above have made significant and positive impact in my steemit journey as well. So, allow me to turn your post to double appreciation post to these wonderful and amazing people. From the bottom of my heart I say,
thank you for your selfless love for the steemit community

Steemit has no doubt turned us to a family and in our family, honour is part of our culture.


Thank you so much once again brother. Yes, Steemit has indeed turned us all into one big family and honour is indeed part of our culture. I am too excited about this community and the way you told me about it, i have been doing the same and so many people are waiting in the wings to have their way in too. Love is all we are about and we must spread it. Thank you for showing the way. You are wonderful.

Wow! What a beautiful comment @kingsolo!!!! I am sincerely touched by this post---oh so much love!!! I love that I have found @olawalium through the vortex of appreciation...and now here you are! I feel that sharing our gratitude here on Steemit will ignite a truly powerful thread in our community. I would be delighted to see you make a post "Thank You For Being", to help us get other on the love train with us!! Give it the #thankyouforbeing tag if you do. I'd love to read more of the gratitude flowing through you.

Yessssss! Gratitude enlarges the heart. Make love naturally flow. Thanks to you adorable heart.

Isn't it amazingly simple? It's great to feel love with such ease. Thanks for sharing it with me @olawalium.

Many more to come. Love gravitates to where love is. 🤗

True that!!!! Grateful to be sharing it with you!

Indeed this is much felt by me @olawalium... nice post

I am really happy to hear this. Thank you immensely. 😊

I am happy to see this post at the right time because its going to be helpful. Good job and Weldone.

Really excited to hear that. Thank you very much.

I am so sorry to come so late to this, my life is a bit crazy and unorganized, but for people like you, I feel responsible to be here, to interact, because I feel if I don't is my lost. it is so late and I am tired and tomorrow I will come back to this, read it again with all the comments and follow the amazing people described here, because among this descriptions I feel honored .
until tomorrow, big thank you :)

I understand what it means to be busy as more so for someone as talented as you. So no problem. I hope you are able to rest more and feel stronger by the time you wake up. I look forward to you coming back amazing heart.


@abuja-steem just upvoted and resteemed this post. Help us to do more by upvoting this comment

Awww.... @olawalium this is so deep
Thank you for reminding me of how important it is to appreciate people

I am so glad this post appeals to you. Thank you dear.

This is just great! We need more people like you @olawalium im glad that i see this post. THANK YOU!!

Thank you so much. This means a lot to me. Thank you. 😊🤗

This is a deep thoughts and appreciation coming from the heart. They are indeed a good friend. How I wish to become they become one of my friends too for my existence in steemit to be more fun and fantastic.

I also appreciate my friends that have showing their immeasurable kindness to me since I joined steemit. Bigger you by HIS grace.
@autofreak @royaheir @nwamaka @olawaliun and my the rest of my amiable friends ----much love +appreciation.

God bless you all

They are amazing people and easily approachable. They would be happy to be your friend. Wow! My Steemit twinnie is your friend too? Nice. Amazing people you mentioned there too. Thank you so much. Glad this post inspires you. Duly appreciated.

It's great to be connected with one another. I would love to see your Thank You For Being post @nice2us. I got connected to @olawalium through this post. The love is bringing us together.

Yes, it's all about love. Love makes it all better. Ever love it is! 😊

Wow, appreciation is an application for better things. Better things will come to you.

Thank you so much for this. Appreciation enlarges the heart too. Amen. Better things will come for you too. Amen.

This is amazing post..... It's good to appreciate some people when you see their impact in someone's life.. Thanks olawalium for being appreciated.. May God remode ur strength

Appreciation is a sign that your heart is grateful. It is also a way of encouraging those who have impact in your life. We all need to feel appreciated to be able to do more. Thanks bro.

You did speak from your heart. And yes, I agree with what you said about appreciating other's work too 😊

Thank you so much. Duly appreciated. 😊. You are amazing. Keep being you. Really appreciate you.

The @OriginalWorks bot has determined this post by @olawalium to be original material and upvoted it!

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Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by Olawalium from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews/crimsonclad, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

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Such a great and motivational post bro..indeed this is awesome ...

I sincerely hope you read it. 😊. Thank you.

why do you grieve friends, may your day well be fine

Appreciation enlarges the heart and makes it better for us to live in. Thanks. 😊

Would love it if you could use #thankyouforbeing for this post so we can find you through the tag search.

Thank you so much. I just did that. 😊

Wow.... I never knew you are a poet, nicely composed and captivating post.

This isn't a poem post but an appreciation post. Thanks still. I am all things by His Grace, hahahaha. I am a poet, a speaker, an adviser and also a farmer. Complete package. Hahahahaha. Thanks a lot.

Thanks bro, putting me in the same list with these amazing Steemians is interesting and I am thankful.

Thank you for being awesome too sir. You are most welcome.

I can see why you have been flagged many times but i won't flag you this time. I have no clue as to what you are saying in relation to the said post above. Whatever it is, try and add value. Stop spamming people. I wish you all the best. Cheers.