Wicca is also known as Witchcraft. It is said to be a religious movement that have its own traditions and beliefs. Wicca is typically worshiping a Goddess and a God. These are traditionally viewed as the Moon Goddess and the Horned God, respectively. These deities may be regarded in a henotheistic way, as having many different divine aspects which can in turn be identified with many diverse pagan deities from different historical pantheons. For this reason, they are sometimes referred to as the "Great Goddess" and the "Great Horned God", with the adjective "great" connoting a deity that contains many other deities within their own nature.
I want to know if there is also a Wiccan who read this story. It is somewhat a spell-caster or witchcrafter, and in my case it was recently since I start to accept who am I. I was noticing it since I was a child but I was not making a big deal out of it, but I started to get curious on what I posses when my friends (in Saudi) talk about it. They say that whenever I get angry to them they got sick and the only cure was also me
10 years ago I have a grandmother that serve in the church, she was the of my father's mother and was dead by now. She always say that I must control my temper and avoid getting angry
Also 10 years ago my father's mother (also my grandmother) undergo in an operation and said that I must not get really angry
6 years ago, the owner of the house whom I was renting (which is a healer) said that there was something guarding me and must avoid getting angry. According to her this also will avoid me from hurting others.
Last June, my workmate whom they say posses some magical charms (Agimat) said that I must avoid getting angry to avoid hurting others
But I didn't make a big deal about it. Until recently my workmates said that when I was angry to them they got sick, which I somehow believe.
Sometimes they got fever or badluck happens to them, and I was the only cure as I will just touch the part of their body that hurts it instantly fades away
They also said that a shadow was always beside me, and they got used to this. I make a joke out of it saying that all people have shadows but they broke the joke saying that my shadow was ahead of me everytime I was walking on the stairs
Addition to this are my friends and family around me, they got sick whenever I get angry to them. Even my wife gets sick when we fight.
My ability was somehow useful to me, but I also got sick when I make sins on others.
With this my friends knows me as a kind and silent person as I avoid getting angry and hurt someone.
Thanks for reading, my story was not that long but I hope you appreciate it