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RE: Which of these unusual events was the most improbable?

in #unusual7 years ago

I am blown away by Laura Buxton's story so i think this is the most improbable. Although winning lottery twice a day would be what most people wish.

If someone's post got curie-d, got selected by @sndbox and @ocd then got upvoted by you 100% at the same moment - THAT - is improbable too. 😎

I have been 'stalking' you for dayssss God knows and hope to catch you when you just post your post.

because I want to say thank you for your donation for my son Jansen when he was at hospital. we are back at home now. Also thank you for your big upvote for my posts regarding Jansen.

oh God please let @donkeypong see this message.

I tried looking for you at discord but could not. This is the only way to say thank you to you.


Thank you sir.


Thank you for the update. Wishing you and your son the best!

Yay. Finally I got to thank you personally. I wish you and loved one the best too. ;)