I know I need the occasional break. In fact, sometimes I just wanna do nothing. Literally, nothing.
I'm sure I'll get to the point where posting a few times a day won't be a problem. But right now, that seems nuts.
But... to be fair I still waste like 4+ hours per day. I could do better with time management. I blame the lazy Libra side of me. 😉
Well, I'm the king of lazy. Not terribly proud of myself but that's the way the cookie crumbles. I was going good and then I lost interest. Now I'm finding myself again. I got lost in NEVERWINTER on my Xbox One.
It's easy to get lost, or at the very least, not know what direction to go.
That's the story of my life. I try things out for a while, but then assume that it's not working for one reason or another.
I'm trying something new with Steemit. I'm setting intentions for myself. I INTEND to do at least 21 episodes of each of my new vlogs I'm doing before giving up. And at that point, I'll probably be so used to doing it, it will be easy peasy.
It's simply a matter of if people want to see me. LOL!
I'll figure something out. And so will you...
Until then, you'll play video games and I'll waste a ridiculous amount of time watching Youtube videos... 😏
Lol, I've done both. YouTube and video games. This game I play really brings out the addiction in me though. Like gamblers not knowing when to give up and get rest, food, drink, and whatever else, this game did the same to me. I'm feeling the pull, but forcing a break.
Much love and light,