Hi all!
This is simply not my style, but I wanted to get each and everyone of you a quick update. I'm working on finishing up my 3rd video rant (the one I started in late October of last year!). To remind you — or to inform new followers — this is where I take 5 terrible spams from verified spammers, confront the spams, and then execute swift justice on the spammers.
I should have it done soon, but want to promote it organically for a number of days, so I'll be posting it in the first week of June.
I miss posting every day, but I'm trying to experiment with different media. Hard to make an expression with just pencil alone, I'm too complicated and crazy for that.
Have a great weekend!

* Just so you know, I've been spammed by females too
Haha, looking forward to it!
@d-pend helped me find one of the spams, we're building a hall of fame :D
You have collected your daily Power Ups! Your posts received total upvotes worth of 2.32$.

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Your updates are more entertaining than 99.99% of the trending page on Steemit. Not upvoting this post gives aid and comfort to our enemies and I will not participate!
Haha thanks... I'm super tired after finishing that video! Still struggling to do stuff more efficiently...
Launching it next week, it's a short silly video, so maybe "launching" is a little too grandiose...
Aggrandizing! :O
Ha, let's carry on
I can't wait to see the video!
Success in your next update my dear friend, we hope soon that video, have a wonderful day
Hello friend happy night, we look forward to the video should be fun and interesting
I'm practically new to this platform, I do not know about that video, I guess that's a lot of work and it takes time, I hope soon the publication friend hits, you're very funny have a nice day
Thank you, I have shared parts of it and so far everyone seems to like it! :)
That's great, I hope your update, successes my dear friend happy night
Hi there, and good luck in your work
I can't wait to see the video!
Sneak preview?????? Lolz
Count me in!
"Don't tell me what I can't do!!" [John Locke]
Very romantic image there!
Thanks :D
The image will make more sense when viewed in context, it's part of the upcoming animation :)
waiting for your video bro.......have a great weekend too
Thank you very much. The video is done, but I'm going to wait a while before posting it - probably next week!!
OMG 😲 that means we have to wait 1 week
I've learned in the past, that if I upload a video in too much of a hurry, it doesn't give people a chance to look at it.
So I want to make some promotion posts first, why hurry?
yeah thats right
waiting your next update sir, also have a good weekend for you.
Thanks for your kind words!
No way @overkillcoin. You made a mistake, now you suffer the consequences!
I blame the weekend for making my mind all foggy :)
looking forward to the video!
Thanks Princess! Uploading next week... I figure I need to hype it a little bit and I don't want to rush things :D
That 7 day pay window makes things tough for time-consuming posts :O
What are the names
Hi, the spams occurred back in October and November.
So by now, they have gotten away with their goals.
I'm not trying to cause a problem with them, just make fun of them so we can have a laugh!!
I upvoted anyhow because I am among your 38 biggest fans who didn't listen!
I will put the upvote to good use then :D
Thanks for dropping by -- super excited to share the video next week :)
I want to watch the video! Something type the exterminator of spammers XD would be a good idea, the reference is up to the view Baby, now changes and says: Up to the view spammer lol
The video will be uploaded next week :)
I have allowed some people to listen to the audio and they really liked it :)
On the bright side when they say "why you no upvote me" they out themselves as spammers.
I can't wait to breathe fire on these spammers :)
Just so you know, I've been spammed by females too
I never said that they were cute XD
hahaha :p I'm saying you cute buddy :p
Nah, just crazy is all :D
Just came across your twitter page and I found myself here
Thanks for visting... It's really not the best post, just an update about an animation I'm working on. :)
Yes true I'll wait till next week anyway and checkout the video
Let's hope and arrive soon
Uploading the video next week! :)
El Delfin se esta divirtiendo, está muy sonreido @overkillcoin
Sí, es parte de mi divertido video animado que estoy cargando la próxima semana. Lo siento si mi español es malo, estoy usando un traductor en línea :)
who are the spammers? can't you tell the names?
I have them somewheres, the goal right now is not to confront them, but it's simply to entertain every one with their stupid words :)
I am glad you feel this way... I don't know their motivations... perhaps they don't want to spend time reading posts, they want to say the same thing to everyone and hope that someone will vote them... So their words are always: general, basic, generic...
All the very best !
Will be waiting for it !
Thanks, probably posting next week ! :)
Sounds good man. My finger is itching to upvote but I will refrain!
I figure the first week of June would be ideal to upload it. However I'm rendering the final version out as I type this :D
We miss you, i hope you finish soon 😊
I have finished tonight! But will upload in 9 - 10 days I think
You're surprised that you publish every day. but I'm always pending. regards
The upvote is coming
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo XD
You deserve an UpVote lol.
thanks so much! :)
Hehe they are funny images
I like to tell jokes with images :)
this video must be incredible. Waiting for the video
Thanks, I will upload it next weeek!!!
waiting your next update sir
okay then, thanks you ever so much!
ok sir i still waiting for your June first week update.
the battle of the century, never ever seen!
Internationally through the chain of steem blocks@overkillcoin Vs Spammers, coming soon!
Sounds good. regards
waiting for the video
Waiting for the video my dear friend.
nice post my dear friend
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