Blog Update-

in #update8 years ago (edited)

Any who caught my post a few days will know that I no longer intend to prioritize my time around developing content for Steemit. While this remans true, some comments on that post have helped me to see that it would be silly to abandon the blog in its entirety.

I certainly have put a lot of time and effort into this blog, so it makes sense to try and retain somewhat of a presence here in case the issues I have with Steemit are resolved in future and I want to return my main focus towards here.

But, I will be devoting the majority of my free time to advancing my novel and creating a cartoon series for the web, so the sort of content I will be posting will have to change. I always have a lot on my mind, so I will continue to share my thoughts as they arrive to me, if I believe they are worthy of sharing. It is unlikely that I will have the time to work on any long-form posts or videos, but I may repost some of my best earlier works to keep the blog interesting, as I know most of my followers arrived in the past few months, so there is a ton of my work that has not been seen by most people who are active on Steemit today.

I will reiterate that I am only doing this to retain and continue to gain followers in case I ever decide I want to recommit to this blog properly, so I will understand if anyone wants to unfollow me whilst I no longer consider this a priority. I still thank all of you who spent their precious time listening to what I have to say.

This also means I will be slower at responding to replies, but if you are patient, I will try to get to every one that is worthy of a response when I can. Sorry for the temporary confusion, but now I am very clear on my direction and so it's up to you whether you want to stick with me. I will post more on my cartoon as it develops, but it is still in the very early stages at this point, with only the writing for the first episode completed so far.


No reason to unfollow :-)
Good luck with all your work!

Delighted you've not disappeared altogether. It's a good idea to repost some of your earlier stuff. In the absence of any new material, I've been working my way back through your blog and there are some real gems there.

I'm glad you decided to stick around in some form. I look forward to seeing more about your cartoon.

Good decision. Concentrate on stuff that makes you happy. Go for it.

If you have something from your cartoon to share then do this. Don't type a lot of text. Share your creative work. :-)

Got you straight on the first post and completely understand where you are coming from. Wish you lots of success as you head in this new direction. So much more refreshing to see than the hordes stuck in a rut, going nowhere fast.