Derailed! I was Going to Do Something, but THEN...

in #updates7 years ago

I really had the best of intentions for this day; both in terms of accomplishing "workish" things, and in terms of writing a couple of posts on topics I've been noodling in my head for a few weeks.

Patience, patience...

And there it was... about 1:40pm: "Windows needs to install an important security update. This might take longer than usual updates [Restart Now][Schedule a time]"

I hate this kind of crap. I keep trying to tell my equipment not to smegging interrupt me unless it's 3:00am and I am sleeping. In which case I am sleeping, and the interruption won't matter.

So with an eyeroll, I click "Schedule a time" and...


The only reasons objects weren't thrown at that point were that (a) I had quite a lot of non-computer busy work to take care of and (b) since that mondo hack/security leak recently happened that affected over a billion email addresses I figured I might as well let it run.

What would I lose? 30 minutes? Keep dreaming...

And more patience...

About 45 minutes into some process that restarted my laptop twice, and the progress bar saying "updating 92%" a new message appears:

"In order for this update to install properly, you must install an updated version of Windows 10. Please wait..."

Well, something very close to that.

Anyway, new processes start happening.

An "understanding" message informs me that these changes are "running in the background" and I can "continue using my computer." Yeah right. With 99% CPU and 100% disk read/write being utilized, I don't think so... unless you occupy some fantasy land I'm not privy to.

I leave work at around 5:30, with some timer at about 11 minutes till another restart. That's pretty much four hours of wasted productivity. Except, of course, I got other things done...

Hopefully "regular programming" will resume later, from my computer here at home!

How about YOU? Do you find these system updates frustrating, or do you just take them in stride? Does it sometimes seem like the options you are given for when to do these things aren't actually options? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 180308 19:52 PST


As a gamer any time I turn things on there always 5 or more games that want an update. Some I still play so I’m like fine update those 5 gigs of patch. Other times its “well I guess since you already are” I should have turned off auto update for you since I don’t play you anymore. When its not that its update your graphics card because whatever update for said game now required an update to latest version to not crash and have issues.

I can understand not getting to the thing you wanted to. I played this one game once had 12 patches in a single day 40 gigs or so. Like holy smokes pleas please do some internal testing before making me your beta tester.

Software these days treating everyone like they are their beta tester and always requiring something to do. Ok my rant is over. Have a wonderful night. Great what I wanted to play has a update lol.

Yeah, it's everywhere. I'm contemplating a piece on "The Narcissism of Software," because it sincerely feels like every developer on the planet seems to think that THEIR app/software is the only thing you're ever going to be using... so their processes can make as large a footprint in your system as they feel inclined to.

And I know I'm not far off because I used to hang with some of those developers when I worked in IT. Where I also learned that it's cheaper to have the end user "Beta" something than have a house crew try to break the app. However, once we ship to the user... make sure the "contact" info is buried so deep you need to be an expert spelunker to find it.

Those things drive me nuts. I often find that they fail when I take the time to schedule my life around them, meaning that if I plan to do an update when I’m out of the house, I’ll start the update in the morning before I leave. I can’t tell you how many times, though, that I’ve come home to find the process interrupted for one reason or another. That pisses me off more than just sitting by and waiting it out, which irritates me pretty badly.

That. Right there.

And these updates take longer and longer, become more and more frequent, and become more and more bloated. I mean... I actually downloaded and installed an upgraded version of Windows 10-- if it weren't for a scorching fast connection, the download would probably have taken additional time.

@denmarkguy, sorry that it was one of those days.

I always seem to click the "wait until later" button on updates when I have the time to do updates. It is always at the worst moments that the "you must do the update now" message appears.

I usually do not run updates during the night, because my devices are usually turned off during those times.

Thanks Nate.

Some of the logic just doesn't make sense to me: They can see from my system clock and time zone that it's the middle of the workday... so why would they try to "push" an update? Ask me at 8:00pm or something. Most employers don't want their stuff "offline" for 4 1/2 hours, looking at a progress bar...

You just explained why I don't do windows.


I'm not a geek..
I are intimidated..

Yep these updates consume a lot of thime but atbthe same time fixes the bugs, it feels bad when you have some work to do and at the same time there is an update trying to fix your bugs.

This particular incident ended up taking 4 1/2 hours... a bit much, for a bug fix.

Hey @denmarkguy , great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work!
It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers :)

essentially be patient while doing the latest updates. do other work to not get bored. because the update will take quite a lot of time.

They want you to buy Windows 10 Pro to avoid this...
I did - it only updates at night, and less often than the Home version.

Truely said!!!
As no one knows what life's gonna throw at u even after a second so nobody should keep dreaming about future!!
As for me! Yea these kind of shuts always happen to me especially when I try to install some video game n that sucks!!

I take them in stride for the most part...
because my laptop has a mind of it's own.
I feel like I'm in charge about 40% of the time, and this usually leads to disappointment.

Yes @denmarkguy I do get frustrated when things like that happen. I take it in stride but still my Mind is so distracted. So I feel you, man.

But also realize it did give you some engaging fodder ( that I found interesting ) for this Post here.

That's a positive :)

Ugh I hate those updates. Most times windows doesn't even give me the choice to say no to one, so it automatically updates at a time when I need the computer.

But you gotta make the best of it, right? Either do work you can do without the computer or do something for you, maybe go outside or do a quick workout. That might not be possible when you're at work, though :D

Yeah I really dp hate those, especially if there is a post waiting to be written, stuck in my mind...
I deffer updates until I go for sleep...thus having enough update time without frustration. .

I had exactly the same experience with the recent update @denmarkguy but for me it was in the evening which meant I spent fewer hours that day, on the computer. Which is no bad thing!

Windows 10 seems to be more of a pain with this stuff than the previous version was. Can't even remember what that was. Was it Vista? 😁

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment