You echo my thoughts on family time and kids
One of the reasons why I even started kaerpediem... so we could do things together... it gave us something to plan and til today, the kids watch some of the older YT videos, laughing, reminiscing
My Monkee is all set and so is his mother :D
hehehehe isn't that the best!? That is one thing that is really hard to regret "time spent together!"
it can always be revisited and often brings SUCH joy!!!
hehehe I'm SO glad that our Monkee and his Monkee Mom is ready to go!!!! if you can't tell - I am too! hehehe
thank you for always being so enthusiastic and encouraging! I came up with a new fun idea for the map today :) as we get closer - i'm getting more excited but more nervous - you know??? LOL
but i have to remember - no matter what -each Monkee matters! if it's just a handful of us - then -it's the exact group it should be! hehehe we can start small and grow from there as @juliamulcahy reminded me today! :)
This is one of our family mottos - and I just need to keep reminding myself. Start with one! :)