Exceeded a half million upx in sales from Spark Quest!

in #upland8 months ago


Spark Quest is a layer 2 game connected to Upland. This layer 2 game allows players to build mines on to their existing Upland properties and use those mines to create other add-ons like Factories that produce power crystals. The mines are also equipped with other resources that other players can steal from your mines by 'attacking' them through an in-game send to that property in Upland. If you manage to end up with extra power crystals or extra resources they are entered into a lottery or pool of all available excess resources and can be sold to other players any time someone makes a purchase in this layer 2.

As of now, my To Date earnings have exceeded a half of a million upx in Upland and is in many ways earning better than my assets inside of Upland!
