Sold Two Cars Today And Already Hit My Week 3 Goal!

in #upland2 years ago


I am in the early stages of a 120 week selling strategy out to USD from Upland.

The goal is to raise $100 USD every single week over a 120 week period until I've been able to pull $12,000 USD out of the game and get myself back to even on my overall investment into this game.

I am in the middle of only week 2 presently but I had already hit my goal for the week so I was just sitting back and letting my earnings do the rest of the leg work in the meantime but then I landed an unexpected sale and sold two cars for $100 which I'm not going to use to offset my week 3 goal so that I don't have to sell anything at all for a week and a half straight to reinvest some earnings in the meantime.

The reason that I'm doing this over 120 weeks is to make an effort to let my earnings from properties, treasure hunting, visitor fees and anything else I win over that time like free BE's to help reduce the blow to my account so that in the end I still have a strong, playable account.

Slow and steady but the plan has been working out nicely up to this point so far!


You will reach your targets.