That's awesome! You have more SP than I do! I have earned that much but have also been living 100% on Steem. But yes, at your level of SP I would do the same thing.
I have seen you around and love your handle BTW. May Steem be with you.
That's awesome! You have more SP than I do! I have earned that much but have also been living 100% on Steem. But yes, at your level of SP I would do the same thing.
I have seen you around and love your handle BTW. May Steem be with you.
I've thought about living off of this stuff. I'd guess less than 5% of what I earned here went to an exchange. When the value spiked earlier this year, I got excited. I'm glad I didn't buy that lambo though.
Keep up the good work. I know the music community here appreciates your efforts and they speak quite highly of you. Have a good day.