You must be aware that when using any service you must know the conditions of use. Before sending money, be sure that you are doing it correctly. Otherwise you are in danger of losing your money. (This advice I give it for any investment you make, not just robots in Steemit).Dear @supremenyc,
This information can be read in almost every Post of minnowhelper, even in this Post.Each Robot on or works differently and has different conditions. If you want to pay Steem use a robot that accepts Steem. @minnowhelper Works only with SBD and does not accept Steem.
Since I do not always read the comments of the Articles.For more information, contact me on the Slack channel (
best regards
sent you 0.3 sbd and 30 minutes back,when uupvotes were made,I got nothing. My upvote would have to be around 0.7 sbd as I checked