I bot a lot, and I support an initiative that rewards users who don't bot. When they asked me why, this is what I told them: a system with a single path to success is a system with a single point of failure.
There isn't a true dichotomy between botting and starting/working with communities, unless the communities make it so by driving out people for botting. It's entirely possible to do both.
If you Google Steemit right you'll find a platform that seems to talk about itself a lot.
Immensely guilty lately. At least I'm spending as much of my time writing curation posts as complaining posts. But I'm way over my self-imposed goal for how many Steemit-related posts I make. At least there's new Steven Universe all week this week, so I won't be lacking in other subjects.
Exactly my point. Google wouldn't be where it is now, for example, if all people posted about was Google.
The wider the range of topics we post about and the more groups and communities that start to form around those topics the better we will do and the more interesting it will be for people who find us.
We need to move on and stop obsessing over Steemit. There are so many more thing we could center our conversations around that will help us attract more users who will want to stay here once they find a community that interests them here.