Until the end of 2008, I worked at Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) station. The radio is government-owned. While still there, the discussion about the impact of electromagnetic wave radiation generated by the radio transmitter is heard. Even advice about how to maintain health for a worker in the radio field is also often given. Including for me who was still a broadcaster.
Being in a room full of electromagnetic radiation is certainly not a good thing for anyone. That's because there are super serious health threats that will be experienced. The threat did not appear and came directly. Slowly but surely.
It's like the story of a senior in the field of technicians. He started working at RRI in early 2000. Since his work was almost constantly connected with transmitters, computers, and technicians, he was quicker to perceive the negative effects of electronic waves. It is said that from his story, he often experienced headaches after several years working there. The pain came suddenly. His head throbbed unusually. The condition sometimes affects his entire health. He limped, even to a fever.
When he went to the doctor, it was said that he had anemia. One cause of anemia is lack of red blood cells. That's why the body is not stable. In addition to the lack of red blood cells, he also lacks white blood cells. This is marked by a decline in the immune system or immune system.
When he asked about what caused it?
The doctor who had already known my senior job answered because of the effects of tiredness and the effects of radiation on the spot where he worked. That's my little artist experience he told me.
As for the advice that came to me such as the problem do not be too long in the studio. Various kinds of electronic objects there produce radiation. The effect will be felt later or in the future. One extraordinary effect is sterility, as well as other illnesses, such as headaches, alzheimer, and cancer.
They can not be proved scientifically by them, but from the amount of disease mentioned, I have headaches. Whether it's the effects of radiation, I have not proven it yet. Certainly, after I stopped working there, the headache only came occasionally, not as often as before.
From an article I read, there are some hazard effects, caused by the effects of electromagnetic waves from the resulting signal radiation. The results of trials from the University of California has proved that human health will decrease when humans are doing daily activities around the tower signal transmitter. It has been proven from the results of trials in rats that are brought closer to the mobile signal transmitter.
Electromagnetic waves generated by a transmitter have a negative charge, as well as adverse effects that can cause various types of health problems. The disorders are like Alzheimer's, fetal disorders, insomnia and parkison. Thus, hopefully useful.
Warm regards
That's cool & honest content...Electromagnetic radiation is proved that is hazardous...If you want to work where there is radiation, You need to be protected...pxds.com
Place where you sleep is also very dangerous...
Many thanks @tatjanastan. Yes, i think so, because so many electronic devices in my room right now.