My interest in art started quite innocently one day, when I was in secondary three. A classmate took out his sketch book and started sketching away. He was working on a pencil portrait of Marc Bolan from his picture in a magazine, ( I still remember that vividly till this day ). The pencil sketch was a mirror image of the picture in the magazine. I was awed. I thought wow, ‘How I wish I could draw like that.’
Later on, I thought, “If he can do it, I can do it.’ So, I got myself a sketch book, looked for pictures of my movie idols in the magazines, and I started drawing/sketching. It was disastrous to begin with. But I refused to give up. I was obstinate.
I persisted. I believed that if my classmate can do it, there is no reason why I couldn't. Gradually, I got better. There were some resemblance between the picture and the finished product. This gave me confidence and motivation to carry on. And eventually, I had some success.
The following were some of the better ones. They are not great - very stiff lines, and rough around the edges. Looking at them now, I know where the mistakes are, but back then, I was none the wiser. I was just pleased that I got that far. It was all self-taught, and I considered it a minor accomplishment.
What do you think? You might recognized some of the actors.

Lately, I have been toying with the idea of picking up sketching again, but it has been decades since I last drawn anything. My eyesight are not as good now, my fingers are a bit stiff, and the computer is way too much of a distraction. Anyway, we shall see.
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"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success."
This is so great @quotes-haven
By the way, nice quote too. :-)Hi @livvu, thank you for taking a look, and for you kind words. My art is a pale shadow compared to yours.
Dear friend, you do not appear to be following @artzone. Follow @artzone and get added to our voting list for valuable up-votes!
I saw somebody I was following used the @artzone tag, and I thought I would use it too. I should have realized that 'following' @artzone first, was the decent thing to do. My apologies. :-))
Good job... should restart drawing ;)
Thank you. Maybe I should. :-)
I approve your job :)
Thank you. :-)
Wow! I'm impressed. I think I recognize Tom Selleck, Clint Eastwood, and Ryan O'Neal? But, Marc Bolan? Bang a Gong, Get On!
Thank you Jon. 2 out of 6 - not bad at all.
David Janseen / Roger Moore / Ryan O'neal / Merle Haggard / Tom Selleck / Farrah Fawcett
Marc Bolan was a British singer. (not in the drawing)
I remember Marc Bolan from the band T. Rex, and the song Bang a Gong.
Now that you mentioned it. It sounds vaguely familiar. :-)
Wow, these are really good sketch works, Vincent! I’m impressed!
Hey Oleg! Thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot to me. :-)
howdy sir Vincent! there's no way you're ever getting into that again. Not unless the stuff hits the fan and we lose all electricity.But I like the work back then, not bad for self taught.